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The next morning Hameed woke up early wanting to surprise his wife. He wanted to cook something for her.

He learned some recipes from online and he couldn't wait to try them. He looked to Asma who was sleeping comfortably hugging a pillow. It got him two minutes to carefully pile himself away from her clutches and he replaced himself with a pillow when he saw how cutely she was tapping her hand on his side searching for his warmth .

He cleared the hair on her forehead and gently kissed her there. His lips lingered for some seconds before he pulled away .

'Lemme not wake her up,she seemed so tired from last night' oh?last night and a smile blossomed his face. Last night he finally made her fully his,they became one and it was the best night of his life. A night he'll forever cherish.

Hameed walked to the kitchen clad in his blue Bermuda shorts and a white shirt . He on the stove and set to work,following the recipe with caution.

Asma finally fluttered her eyes open and she pushed herself up muttering her morning Dua. When she stood to her feet she saw herself cloaked in one of Hameed's office shirt. And her cheeks burned crimson recalling what happened last night. She pulled her hair up into a bun and walked to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and rinsed her face.

"Should I take a bath" she asked herself looking to the the shower but went against when she remembered that they had a ghusul bath and a normal bath before fajr prayer.

"I'll take another one later" and walked out of bathroom. She cleared the bedroom and changed the sheets. She wanted to change into another set of clothes but went against it too.

"Hmm where is Hameed?. She asked herself
"Maybe he's out for his morning walk,lemme prepare breakfast before he comes back." Asma walked to the bedroom door but it was kicked opened and Hameed came into view with a big tray on his hands.
"Morning wifey!". He cheerfully greeted,finding his way to the coffee table where he kept the tray.

"Morning Hameed". She greeted back with a smiled. Hameed walked to her side and gently grabbed the back of her head and pressed his lips on hers a tad bit firmer,making the kiss long and deeper. He left after lightly sucking on her lower lip.

Hameed was pleased with her awestruck expression. He tapped her nose and shook her up
"Breakfast is ready,come let's eat" Hameed said and dragged her to the sofa then gently placed the tray between them.

"Mmm"She really wanted to eat something !if not her grumbling stomach won't let her rest

Asma saw that on the tray were three vegetable dishes and one meat, with a soup on the side.

It was all home-cooked dishes that looked refreshing and appetizing. In fact, there actually was a big plate of sliced fruits.

Did Hameed ordered all these? As she knew he didn't know how to cook.

"By the way how was your night". He asked and
She chocked on the slice of fruit she was chewing. His question took her off guard and she was not expecting him to ask.

"Shh take some water". He gently rubbed her back and pressed the tumbler to her lips. She took some sips before calming down,she averted her gaze from his smiling face to the food,hoping he won't ask her again

"Are these enough?" . Hameed asked worriedly he wanted to surprise his wife so he cooked this much

'Gladly' she breathed out because he chose not brought back the question.

"Enough,definitely enough!" To avoid another question she actively answered.

As soon as she spoke, Asma quickly picked at some dishes and started to scarf the food down.

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