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Hameed's behavior the entire next day was not okay. He always seemed lost,distracted and less talkative. He's not as attentive as he's always to her,he looked dazed and troubled like something was weighing on his mind since last night. Asma found it unsettling yet and her mind kept going back to how they met that girl...was it

She tried to remember her name and when she did that she off the stove where she's cooking lunch for them and walked her way to their bedroom where she left Hameed claiming that he had headache and he's in need of rest,but when she got inside the bedroom he's not inside.

"Hameed!" She called out but no one answered,she looked for her phone that was on the bedside drawer. she touched the screen of her phone and what she saw was a message from Hameed.
'SalamuAlaikum wifey,I went out to pray Zhur after that I will branch at the hospital because there's an emergency. I will be back in the evening insha Allah.Take care and I love you!'

She heaved a tired sigh and walked back to the kitchen.


As Hameed got out of the masjid after praying Zhur he fished out his phone and dialed his best friend's number.

"SalamuAlaikum Mubeen. How are you doing?" Hameed asked as the call got picked.

"Waalaikum salam Hameed. I am doing good alhamdulilah. What's up?"

"Masha Allah. If you're not busy can we meet?"

"Of course text me the address." Mubeen said before cutting off the call.

Hameed texted him a certain cafe address and made his way there too.

He sat for about 10 minutes when Mubeen arrived.

"SalamuAlaikum Ahki"
Mubeen gave Hameed a manly hug before he sat opposite him on the the cafe chair.

"Waalaikum salam ahki . I am doing good alhamdulilah. What about you? How are coping"Hameed replied calling the waiter

"Alhamdulilah Hameed but I am still not over it." He sadly replied before giving the waiter his order.
"Black coffee."

"Same with Maryam,she's not accepting any proposal up till now. She's still waiting for your mom to accept her."

"Iced latte please." Hameed said to waiter before his attention went back to Mubeen

"I am trying my best too Hameed and no matter what I pray to Allah everyday to make Maryam my wife."

"You'll be a great husband and I also pray to Allah that Maryam will be the one."

"Ameen" Mubeen answered before

"Ohh What's up?is like you have something weighing in your mind."

"Hmm" Hameed dejectedly sighed before he uttered

"Amira is back"

"What?" Mubeen's eyes bulged out

"Yes I saw her yesterday at certain restaurant. I was with Asma."

"Tell me everything in detail Hameed." Mubeen urged and Hameed retell what happened.

"Don't tell me you're still not over her." This was Mubeen's first question after Hameed reached his point.

Hameed lightly threw a glare at him.
"Of course I am over her,but Asma..."

"Then what is it?" He interrupted

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