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3hours earlier.

The four girls happily walked into the restaurant unaware of the suspicious figure that was trailing behind them. Khalid had planted a spy to monitor Asma's movements since that day at school and ordered him to strikes when ever he got the opportunity.

"What would you like to have before you decide your order." The waiter asked and all of them stated what they would like to have. Not a moment longer he brought the refreshments before he stood to the side waiting for them.

"We would like to have..." Maryam stated their order and the waiter attentively noted it down before walking away.

"F**king sh*t !!"Cello suddenly cursed looking at the hunk that just passed by their table

"Cello remember no cursing" Asma reminded her eyes on her phone trying to message Hameed. 'Should I text him,no I shouldn't. I will disturb his work.' And at last she didn't message him.

"Girl no offense my bad ass just need a boyfriend" Cello lamented and Fateema chuckled.

"You should go get 'em before someone does"and Cello's eyes trailed to the hunk where she saw a hazel haired girl flittering with him.
"Indeed"she sounded and stood up.
"Girls how do I look?"she asked,twirling around.

"Perfect". Fateema winked with a chuckle

"And hot" Maryam added giving Cello an okay sigh. And Asma just nodded her head in agreement.

Cello quickly swayed her hip to where the hunk sat and slipped her butt on a seat close to him.

Fateema turned her gaze to Maryam and said.
"Maryam how is it going between you and Mubeen"

"All perfect but his mom is still against us I don't know why?" Maryam sadly said and sipped her shake.

"Insha Allah everything will be alright just keep praying." Asma said and slipped her phone into her bag,Fateema nodded her head agreeing with Asma.

"Yes keep praying,she will come to accept you biiznillah."

"Thank you so much sister in law,Fateema. Your words gave me strength to keep praying and fighting. Insha Allah he will be mine."

"That's for sure girl. Insha Allah. How about his dad." Fateema decided to ask and upon the question Maryam's face instantly beamed

"I really don't know what to say about him. Abbu is really a great man,he supports us so much. He even said that he will marry us off without his wife's consent. But I said no,I don't want get into the family with someone hating me.I want my mother in law to love me just like any other mother in law love her daughter in law".

"Hmm indeed he's such a great man,Don't worry she will come around too. Insha Allah." Asma concernedly held Maryam's hand and gently rubbed her knuckles.

"Insha Allah. Thank you sister in law."

The waiter brought their meals to the table,Cello came back after she successfully exchanged numbers with the guy.
The girls quickly dig in conversing here and there.

"Guys we should be doing this often. I am really enjoying this."

"Yes it's refreshing and great,next time we should have lunch together or to go on a picnic." Fateema shared her taking a piece of steak to mouth.

"Hmm that's sound great." Asma shared and gently dropped her spoon to her plate.

"Excuse me guys I need to use the restroom." Asma added and stood up from her seat.

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