Morning sky 🌌

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The balcony offered a wonderful panorama of the outskirts of the city . The majesty of God was represented by the symmetry of trees of each side of the street . On a clear day,the leaves shimmered under the glare of the sun and the observant eye could discern as many colors and shades as the imagination would allow. Her hazel orbs beheld the scene.
Truly,the scene evoked a keen appreciation of Scott's poem,patriotism for even as she gazed on it,her heart burned within her.

She walked back to the dining room and sat there waiting for Hameed to show up
"Good morning,sorry I am a bit late"He hurriedly made his into the dining room more evidently,folding the long sleeve of his shirt to his elbow.

"Good mo..."her word made an abrupt stop at the base of her throat when Hameed leaned his body towards her ,his soft lips dabbed themselves gently on her forehead kissing it sensually. 'Just like I predicted it ,she didn't show any emotion but I knew I took her by surprise.Asma do you really think I will stop making moves on you,do you think giving me cold shoulders gonnah stop my advances of bringing out what you clocked inside your heart. You chose to be with me so know that you're stuck with me forever.' Hameed's thoughts as he found his seat opposite hers.

Yesterday night Hameed determined his heart to start using his moves,giving her space or accepting whatever she wanted was never an option ,if he wanted her to open up her heart to him and released the emotions she buckled.

"So what do we have for today"He voiced out looking at table that contained toasted bread,scrambled eggs,juice and then slices of fruits.

"What your eyes can view"she muttered slowly serving the scrambled eggs with the bread to his plate. Intertwining his hands,he placed his chin on top ,his face held a thoughtful look.

"View?my eyes only view you Asma"she dully looked at him and went back to her food.

Feigning a confused look he asked again
"So,are you implying that you're are my breakfast, Huh?"keeping her fork to the side she replied back

   "You surely have a bad sight"

"No,I tend to see only what I intended to see"a grin placed itself on Hameed's lips.

She parted her lips to reply when his ringtone cut her off. 'Maama' Hameed voicelessly mumbled as he quickly picked up the call.

    "SalamuAlaikum Maama, how are you doing?" Hameed greeted his mom as he placed his phone to his ear.
     "Waalaikum salam Hameed I am doing good alhamdulilah, how's everything and Asma" her voice came

    "Everything is good alhamdulilah and Asma ,she doing good too" he said out which gained Asma's attention as she had him uttered her name.
    "Masha Allah"
"I wasn't able to send Maryam with the preserved food as we're quite busy these days" she added apologetically.

"No,Maama you don't need to worry, Asma is a great chef herself so she got you covered" Hameed replied looking up to Asma with a wink which she blankly looked at him and brushed his moves away.

   "You made her cook Hameed! How unreasonable of you!" Aisha fumed her voice blaring through the phone speaker.

   "No Maama, I didn't ask her to do it,she did it herself" he reasoned defending himself

    "Okay, but still I am going to send Maryam
over with the food. She should have more rest before she gets back to school"she finally calmed down as her voice sounded surreal.

     "Alright Maama ,we will be expecting her".
He replied back taking forkful of the scrambled eggs to his mouth.

     "I don't know what's taking this girl so long,she's been in room her for two hours now getting ready" his mother ranted,Hameed lightly chuckled

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