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A week after Asma's triplets Haqiqah Nameez was taken to the court for trial. Khadijah,Ahmad,Fateema and Hameed were present to witness the trial.

"Nameez Zaeem was in charge of trading human's internal organs in the underworld and he's charge of multiple murders and uncountable crimes . The defendant has no more evidence." One of the judges started to wrap up the case.

"So the court hereby sentenced Nameez Zaeem to death by electrocution." The judges hit the gravel before the court was dismissed.

The police men dragged Nameez out of the witness box with him shouting

"Let me go. I don't want to die! I don't want to die!" He was struggling to free himself when his hazel eyes fell on Khadijah's figure. A smile crept to his lips and he finally pulled away from the police to ran towards her.

"Let me tell you something Khadijah. I was the one that destroyed that little family of yours. Your daughter fell into the victim of my torture and you couldn't marry me so I returned the favor by killing Muhammad,I killed your husband."
He started when he reached and Khadijah hurriedly stood up from her seat to stand in front of him.
"and what do think his last words were. He said- " He uttered but the police caught him to drag him away. He pulled away again and jerked towards her

"I regretted marrying her." He slowly whispered into her ears before he allowed himself to be dragged away as he kept laughing maniacally.

Khadijah stayed rooted inside the court room because of the words he uttered though she knows that Nameez was totally lying but his words and the real truth about her husband's death gave a critical hit to her heart and tears streamed down her cheeks. Fateema and Ahmad came to her side.

"Maama what did Nameez told you!" Ahmad cleared away her tears with his hands slightly shaking afraid of knowing what really Nameez told her.

"Is it true Ahmad?."

"Maama please calm down. You know about your condition." Fateema tried to coax her but Khadijah was losing it.

"Tell me Ahmad is it true that Nameez was the one that killed your father.!" Her voice echoed around the empty court room and Ahmad docked his head down to answer

"Yes." A single word and that shattered her. Her weak heart could not take that her husband died not natural death but died in the hands of his brother. The one that he trusted most.

Her breath became rage and she clutch her hands her hijab before she clenched them into fists not a second her face started to pale and before they knew it she collapsed to the floor.

Ahmad's eyes widen and he bent to shake her body.

"Maama!" He shouted and picked her up before making his way to the door with Fatima trailing behind him.

Hameed who just bide Yasmeen goodbye saw Ahmad coming out of the room with his mother in his arms.

"Ahmad what happened?" Hameed asked when he quickly jogged to him.

"She collapsed Hameed please start the car."

With the speed Hameed was driving In what felt like five minutes they reached to the hospital. She was immediately taking to the emergency room and was prepared for a surgery.

Fateema has already told Maryam and now they got into the hospital with panicked Asma.

"What happened Ahmad. Tell me what happened to her."

Ahmad hugged his sister and coaxed her.
"She will be fine insha Allah." He said these words as a comfort zone to himself too. Maryam took away the triplets roller with her giving them space.

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