Past:It doesn't matter now!

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"The kind where there will be a lot of mess and blood. Oh yes...that beautiful sight of blood..."he kept talking

I still said nothing.

It felt as if I had already accepted my fate.
He beat me up so much that it could send shivers down one's spine. I looked pained, but I didn't complain.

I didn't resist, i didn't cry, and I didn't try to fight back.

Nameez had ordered me to count down in seven second intervals starting  from one thousand. I was advised by him my torturer to count aloud in order to forget the pain and remain sane, focusing on a repetitive task.

I didn't understand this order at first,but now I realized that it was an attempt to retain my sanity. I held onto those numbers for dear life. And while Nameez sliced my skin over and over,and over and over. I knew that I had become a monster!.

I spitted on his face and he got furious slapping me hard on the face. My face looked to side and I couldn't help but taste my blood. I turned back my face to him with a smug grin ,unfazed by the pain.

"You think something like this would hurt,after all your daily tortures,after all I've been through!"  My voice was bold and confident without any fear which angered him.

"I haven't been this enraged in a long time."

Flexing his fingers together he bent to my face level
"But thanks to you for getting me super annoyed. Now I can cave you up with no regret".

He went to his weapons desk and brought a sharp scalpel together with a white substance inside a small jar. It looked like a salt.

When he came back he pushed the scalpel to my left thigh. The pain traveled all over my body but I didn't let out a single scream but my eyes filled themselves with fresh tears. Without a say he harshly dragged it and my skin tore opened,my muscles tearing apart making way for that crimson color and without wasting a second he poured that white substance to the opened wound.

The pain fully registered into my mind that had short-circuited and now rendered me paralyzed. I didn't know when the scream I was holding eluded from my lips.

"AHHH!!" I convulsively  jerked back and shook the chair wanting to free myself. My eyes blackened for some seconds because the excruciating pain shot back into my brain.

"STOP!!! NAMEEZ PLEASE!!! STOP.!" My voice screeched out and I continued shouting like a mad woman

"Hahaha!!! So you got it now. This hurts right? So you're still capable of feeling the pain."

When he finished slashing and spreading salt on my wound he dragged me to a small room that got no window and threw me in. He closed the door and the lights faded away leaving me in the dark.

I was the subject of intense torture which led me create another personality within me .

"You should forget this Asma!" I advised myself

"You should just try to forget it..." I couldn't help but continue mumbling to myself

"Just forget it...

"Forget it....

For the sake of survival i chose to forget everything. I can't continue to live with those memories.

"HA!" i emotionlessly let out a sad laugh and a single at the same time painful tear rolled down to my left cheek.

"What a life,what a sad ending?" I questioned no one as I felt my life slipping out of my weak body.

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