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**Not edited

Asma hurriedly made her way to the hallway as Hameed kept calling her name.

He didn't want to be late to Ahmad's Nikkah.!.

   "I am here" she breathlessly said catching her breath. Hameed raised his head from his phone to look at her, his mouth slacked open when his eyes came in contact with her face.

     "You put makeup and your" His gaze ogled at her from head to toe.

Asma's eyes were adorned with khol,her lashes were stretched out, her lips were glazed with some pink colored balm and her cheeks tinted with pink blush. And lastly her abaya was not the usual black or grey but a striking light blue color. 'Hameed's favorite color'.

      "It's Ahmad and Fateema's Nikkah,i thought a little effort won't hurt right?" She explained fiddling with her fingers as his gaze was too much.

Hameed wanted to retrain his gaze from staring too much so he picked his car keys and they made their way to his car.

The drive to Fateema's house was a silent one,Asma was flustered all the way because Hameed had effortlessly interlocked their hands together...

Hameed waited outside by the backyard where the Nikkah would be commencing, he met Ahmad,the imam ,Ahmad's friends,Fateema's father and also his father Abdallah.  Everything was done in less than an hour and finally the imam announced Ahmad and Fateema as husband and wife based on the sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam.

The news reached out to Fateema who was in her room together with Asma and her cousins.
   "Masha Allah,congrats Fateema. May Allah bless your new home and family" a girl in red hijab prayed and everyone in the room chorused 'Ameen'. Later on the photographers came and Fateema and her cousins were summoned to the backyard wherever the pictures would be taken. The photographers made them to pose in different ways. Ahmad was so happy that he finally got the love of his life,his happiness couldn't be hide as his light hazel eyes gleamed with admiration as he looked into Fateema's black ones.

Hameed came to stand beside his wife whose eyes were on the happy couple.
"I've never seen Ahmad this way,he looked different and..".she started but her words were stamping into each other ,her lips quivering wanting to take a shape and the sides of her eyes uplifting slightly.
    "Smile to the world and smile to the people you love,as a sunflower smiles to the sun" she looked at him and he used his two fingers to form an arc down his lips as he smiled.

"Joker said 'smile because it confuses people,smile because it's easier than expecting  what killing you inside'"

   "Let it out" he said slowly coaxing her. He patiently stared at her as she struggled to make her lips to a shape.

   "Asma relax it doesn't have to be now and.." his words stuck in his throat when he saw the most simplistic smile on her lips. He was so happy that he almost hugged her.

    "Hameed Asma ,c'mon let's take pictures together" Ahmad called out. Hameed and Asma took some pictures with the couple and in the pictures Asma's lips have curved into the perfect smile.

Hameed and Ahmad now sat inside the gazebo as the male guests finally dispersed, he was waiting for Isha prayer and Ahmad to leave with Fateema to their house,after that they would get back home. Hameed mind travelled back to Asma's scars and her silver-white hair,he then decided to ask Ahmad.

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