The shirt,the scrub🧬and the unlicensed doctor 🩺

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Asma sat inside the living room with her phone reading the chats of a group. Maryam has created a group where she added Fateema and Asma. Asma then added Cello creating a girl's bonding group.

"SalamuAlaikum girls How are you and everything?." Maryam typed and sent to the group. Fateema who just got online replied with

"Waalaikum salam Maryam we are doing good alhamdulilah."

"Masha Allah,so I was thinking about something." She sent

"What is it?" Fateema asked

Maryam:"Girl's bonding. Why don't we go for an outing or picnic or anywhere of your opinion girls?"

Fateema :"That's a great when will it be."

Maryam : "How about today if you're all not busy."

"I am in" Fateema quickly sent

Asma:"I am also in"

Cello:"You guys shouldn't forget about me!"

Maryam: "I know a really good restaurant,let's have dinner there. I'll send you guys the address."

And everyone answered with alright.

Hameed who was inside the kitchen came out with a bowl of ice cream and two spoons.

"Chatting with the girls?" He asked and sat beside her,keeping the bowl on the coffee table.

"Yes Maryam suggested that we should go out for a dinner."

"Hmm,so we are not having dinner together today." He sadly said and Asma smiled punching his shoulder playfully.

"Humph you were planing to do so too ,I heard you talking to London earlier about you going to the hospital after magrib ."

"Ahh you caught me."he winked and bent over to her side to pick up the remote control but Asma misunderstood thinking that he's going to kiss her so she dazedly closed her eyes and pursed her lips but she feel nothing,she anticipated his lips but nothing came.

She slowly opened her eyes and they embarrassingly came into contact with his amused emerald green orbs.

He tried hard to force back a chuckle in other not to annoy but he was too late because a light chuckle escaped

"Babe were you thinking that I was going to kiss you"

She internally groaned her chibi stomping a foot
"I don't know "

"I was just measuring how pouty my lips could get and you got in my way" she added huffing out air from her palatable lips. When he heard her reply he laughed loudly

"Oh lord sorry baby I was only kidding"

She pouted more prominently and turned her head to the side

"Okay now ask me to kiss you" he shamelessly said earning a glare from her.

"Alright since the queen is not going to ask herself then let me do the honor and grace her with my lips, hell!! I'll leave her stranded" with that he pulled nape which made her face close to his with that he enthused,crashed his lips into hers kissing her with gentleness.

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