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   "Hameed I asked you to diced them into cubes not circles"Asma called out from the stove area as she stir the curry she's preparing. Hameed who sat at the kitchen island groaned loudly stamping the knife by the chopping bored side.

     "For love's seek Asma I am trying,how could I dice carrots in to cubes as they looked circle in shape"

    "I don't know cooking could be such a hassle" he kept ranting looking at the half shapeless diced carrots on the chopping board. Asma turned around clad in her usual baggy clothes but this time around with her silver-white hair down because of Hameed's so much persuasion and she looked at him,her left hand on her waist and the other one held a spatula.

    "You're so persistent on knowing how to cook and I could've sworn I told you it's not as easy as you think" He guiltily looked at her adjusting the apron that he wore, "Ahh"he groaned again trying to pull the strings behind the apron.
     "And this apron felt tighter than it supposed to be. It looked like it wanted to choke me" He ranted again with a pouty face,Asma's blank facade cracked a little as she examined his expression.

   "It supposed to be tight in the first place, I told you that's not your size but you demanded on wearing it because it looked cute on me"Asma again pointed his childish behavior as she went back to her pot of curry.

   "And you think you're going to look cute in that,your physique is different from mine. So wear the size that suits you.I once heard that a husband should always listen to his wife " she pointed out again,Asma's word could make one cry or angry because they're always straight forward not coated with honey,but Hameed already got used to them

   "I always listen to you my dear wife and I did look cute didn't I ? I saw your face,you're drooling at my sight weren't you?" He proudly said and released a sign of relief as he had finally gotten rid of the tight apron.

   "If what I know about the word 'cute' is correct then you looked nothing close to that" Hameed chuckled loudly as he leaned back to the the kitchen island chair.

Them been friends for the past two weeks have caused a great impact on their relationship,it brought them closer than before

   "That was a critical hit to my narcissistic side Asma".Asma didn't reply to his words and just offed the stove then went to where he kept the half diced carrots and the untouched bell peppers,she perfectly diced them all into cubes. Hameed guilty looked at Asma then decided to say

     "Tell me what to do,i will be a good guy now" She narrowly looked into his eyes as if not trusting him.

   "Trust me I won't cause any inconvenience" He raised his hands in defense like action.

  "Okay set the table" she muttered out and
made her way back to the stove with the diced veggies. 'The worst part, I demanded you to teach me how to cook not to set up the table' He complained internally as he dragged himself to the plates and cups cupboard.

She was busy stirring up the soup when a figure loomed over her,Hameed's hand robotically switched off the stove.

"What are you doing?"Asma asked then raised her head to look at him,He didn't answer her with his words but with the moves he made till he cornered her between the fridge and his body frame. Asma placed her hands on his chest so that she could push him away.

his whisper was firm as he wrapped his arm around her waist as if to tuck her securely against him,it looks like as though he was insistent on wanting her not to push him away.

He then raised his other hand,tucking the piece of her hair behind her ear.
   "You have the most beautiful hair Asma"
Asma raised her eyes at the right time to Hameed's face closer to her.

Can you feel my heart?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang