After years

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The last five years were fraught with longevity of their mother but one cannot got stuck. Though they missed her so much they needed to move on and in Asma's case both Hameed and the triplets helped her.

"Maaama!!!!!"Najim's loud whirl and Asma hurriedly came out of the kitchen with a spatula in her hand.

"What is it again Najim."

"Qmar chud up my crayowns." He cried as he raised his half eaten blue crayon.

"Where is he? Qmar!" She called and Qmar came into view with Noor following behind him.

"Is it true that you chewed Najim's crayons."

"No Maama he's layung. He chud mine first " Qmar defended himself with a sulking face and raised his red crayon

"No Maama he's one layung." Najim pointed his finger towards Qmar accusingly

"No Maama am not." Qmar raised his voice higher and charged towards Najim.

Asma got between them and strictly held their hands.

Noor picked up the spatula that her mom threw to the floor dazedly.

"No more fighting. Noor come here." Asma called her little and cute dumpling who was always patient and less talkative.

"Who was the one that started it." Asma asked and Noor looked to her brothers who were busy making funny expressions to let her know to take one's side.

"I.." she started and nervously docked her head down. She didn't want to take side because they're all her favorite and always sweet to her.

"Qmar chud his awn crayown and Najim chud his awn too." She saved the situation by blaming themselves.

"Noor!" Both Qmar and Najim called her name unbelievably loud with widen eyes as if she betrayed them.

"Okay good girl." Asma breathed out with a smile towards her girl before turning to her boys with a stern look.

"Both of you go over to that corridor and reflect on your actions now ." She released their hands and they dejectedly walked to the corridor. They squatted down and started to say sorry to each other.

"Sowwy Qmar. My beoled brother." Najim said glaring towards Qmar lightly.

"Sowwy Najim. My olili brother." Qmar said but Najim's eyes widen the next moment and he hurriedly stood up to ran to the kitchen where he found Asma who finished arranging the table for dinner with the help of Noor.

"What is Najim. Have you finished reflecting." She asked but Najim's eyes whirled up.

"Qmar!" He hiccuped

Asma held her forehead with dread
"What did he do?" She asked with a sigh as there was never an end to the drama between Najim and Qmar.

"H-he..he culd me ugly!" And he busted into tears.


Asma started but the salam of her husband stopped her.

"SalamuAlaikum who called my handsome boy ugly." Hameed got into the kitchen more evidently

"Waalaikum salam Paapa!!" Noor shouted and got down from the stool she was seating to run over to her dad that picked her up to twirl around with her before holding her to his arms.

"Papa Qmar called me ogly." Najim continued his complains
"And I know am not ogly."

"Paapa wallah I didn't culd him that."
Qmar got into the kitchen rolling his eyes at Najim's accusations.

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