Not usual ☘️

150 42 6

Hameed and Amira walked into a certain cafe.
The frown on his face was far evident and deep. He sat on chair without even helping Amira to drag her own. The waiter came to take their order and Hameed ordered just a cup of water and fished his phone from his pocket to came across Yasmeen's message.

"Alhamdulilah Nameez is about to get caught Hameed. Tomorrow's night insha Allah. We finally located him." He read the message and he quickly excused himself from the table without even talking to Amira who's focus was still on what to order.

Dialing Yasmeen's number he found a seclude place to make the call.

"SalamuAlaikum Yasmeen how are doing. I just saw your message."

Yasmeen cleared her throat from the other side before she said

"Ahem!Waalaikum salam Hameed. Alhamdulilah."

"Yes we finally located him thanks to my husband's connection we got his every record."
She continued without Hameed interruption.

"He do drugs perhaps that's why he's mentally unstable and a sadist

"He was once diagnosed with a mental disorder and was taken to psychiatric but he escaped and joined the mafia world. after that he was caught and taken to the jails many times but he either escape or a gang rescue him

Nameez is a wanted criminal since before I joined the bureau. But they annulled the case because of its failures

But don't worry I have planned everything out and this time we will definitely catch Nameez insha Allah."

"Thank you so much Yasmeen. I'll go to the station tomorrow insha Allah with Ahmad for details."

"Alright I will be waiting, my regards to my nieces and cousin in law. Allah Hafiz."

"Insha Allah Allah Hafiz." And he cut off the call. His gaze lingered on his phone thinking about his wife. 'Should call her?' He asked himself twirling with his phone but he went against it.

'no I should settle everything with Amira and explain everything to her when I get home'

He walked back to the cafe and sat down at his seat. He placed his phone on the table before he said.

"Amira don't think I brought here because I have something for you. I am doing this because of wife. I have nothing left for you so say what you want,you won't get my time ever again."

Amira smiled
"I just want one thing."

"What is it?"

"I want you to marry me Hameed as your second wife."

"No." He rejected her right away

"But Hameed think about your wife what if....

"Enough with this nonsense. I am tired of this Amira . Do whatever you want,inform her so what? I can explain to her and she'll believe me not you." And a sound escaped his lips like he finally understood the situation

"Ahh I was indeed a fool from the beginning for accepting this stupid request of yours ".

"I don't want anything to do with you, leave me alone

"Hameed pl.."

"I am not doing this anymore. Do whatever you want."
he interrupted her and stood to his feet but crashed into the waiter that brought their orders. The juice that Amira ordered spilled on his white shirt.

"Ya ilahi." Hameed groaned and took a step back. Amira also stood up wanting to go to Hameed but he raised his hand to stop her.
The waiter quickly bowed his head down in an apologetic manner.

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