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Though Hameed hugged her to sleep last night,he was still not over about what happened.

Asma opened her eyes slowly and sat on the bed,she rubbed her eyes to get rid of the remaining sleep that still clouded her. Her dull eyes looked to the left side of the bed and found it empty.

She released a sigh and made her way to the bathroom when her sight fell on a sticky note on the bedside drawer.
     'I won't be back early' that's what was written on the note. She crushed the note and dumped it inside the bin and she entered the bathroom slowly muttering 'Don't even come back'. Though she said that her heart didn't mean it.

It's been two days since the entire break down had occurred and things were still rough.Hameed always left early to the hospital and came back home late when Asma was already fast asleep though not always asleep as she mainly kept tossing and turning around on the bed .

They didn't get to talk that much and they always had their meal separately. Asma was already a mess,she developed eye bags and she was not eating that much.

Hameed has noticed all the changes in her and it was affecting him,he's also struggling so much,he's always daze and lost thinking about her,he never concentrate on his work as he always made mistakes here and there.

   "SalamuAlaikum" Mubeen made his way into Hameed's office,he had knocked on the door two times but he heard nothing so he banged in.

Hameed was still in stupor drumming his fingers on the office table.

    "Hey!man" Mubeed jabbed Hameed's arm before sitting at one of the chairs in front of the desk. Hameed zapped out from his thoughts and looked up to Mubeen.

     "Waalaikum salam Mubeen when did you get here ?" Mubeen smiled faintly and then said
    "You're busy day dreaming,are you perhaps missing your dear wife" he teased.

When he heard the word wife Hameed's frame stiffened and Mubeen's eyes squinted
    "Trouble in paradise ?"

Hameed pinched the space between his brows and adjusted his posture.
    " it's nothing"
Mubeen gave him a light shrug
   "But if it's something, you shouldn't be spending your time here but resolving it with your wife." Mubeen added his hand to his beard ribbing it gently.

     "Thank you Mubeen but.."
Mubeen interrupted him.
    "But what Hameed?...that it's her fault so she should be the one apologizing?" Guilt somehow passed through his eyes as he haven't given her enough time to explain herself again. Hameed finally decided to inform Mubeen about it.

      "Females in general are different. Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said females were created from the curved ribs of a man,so they're always curved if you try to strengthen them they'll break. So even if she's at fault you should try to let her accept her fault in a good way,not by flaring at her or something else. If not she'll break completely and what does ' break' means, it means divorce. She'll demand for divorce as she couldn't stand your behavior or you'll demand for divorce as also you couldn't stand her behavior. Marriage is all about patient and accepting each other's fault. Try to treat her the way she's ,not by changing her to something else you want"Hameed finally realized his mistakes,he shouldn't have ignored  her and they should've resolved it earlier not by delaying it.

   "It looked as if you're the married man not me" Hameed teased easing the atmosphere.Mubeen chuckled slowly,then said

    "We're not always our self all the time,so maybe one day you'll be the one advising me and I'll be married too,soon insha Allah"

Hameed's eyes widen.
     "Man!!Not fair!and you're informing me now"Mubeen shyly replied back.
    "Hey man don't take it too personal, you're the brother in law"

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