Triplet |||

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The babies were indeed coming which proved to be true when Asma's water broke, and the labor pain set in as soon as she reached labor room .

"Is she okay nurse?"

"Please tell me."

"Don't worry Mr. Hameed she'll be okay."


  Their conversation was interrupted by Asma's painful screams. Hameed remained frozen like a statue. Watching her in so much pain tore his heart apart.

 The nurse looked to him. "Stay outside!"

  Hameed's gaze darkened, and he coldly said, "No. I will stay with Asma and nobody will stop me."

"Allow him to enter please." Asma's agitated voice came .all their went attention back to her.

"He caused this he caused this AHHH!"

Hameed whose face was filled with shyness now guiltily docked his head down and firmly held her hand.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!" Asma  gasped hard with beads of sweat forming on her forehead. Her tears were continuously falling as sharp bouts of pain clutched her from within.

  "Asma!" Hameed used his hand to clear the sweat beads on her forehead. "Asma..."

  "Hameed..." her tearful eyes begged him. "It really hurts..."

  Hameed wanted to do something to relieve the pain from her, but he was helpless. He shot pleading  eyes at the nurses. "Do something. Asma is in pain."

"Don't worry the doctor will be here now."

"What is taking her so long?"

"She just got out.."


  Asma's loud shriek broke their conversation again , and she grabbed his hand tighter. "Ya Allah Hameed...!!"

 Hameed immediately brought his attention back to his wife. "Asma , I am here. Don't worry."

She wiped her eyes as she cried. The pain was unbearable.

  "La-labor pain is the masterof all stomach aches!"


It was at this moment the doctor got in and she asked the nurses to get to work.

"It will be okay now insha Allah. Okay!"

Asma dazedly nodded.

"Push harder Asma!!"

  Hameed remained at her side, constantly patting her head and hand to try to soothe her pain while the doctor and the nurses got busy with the delivery.

  After a long time, the first cry echoed in the room.


  the doctor held the baby in her arms while a nurse cut the umbilical cord.

  Hameed and Asma froze. The sound of the baby's cry felt music to their ears. Asma teared up not because of the labor pain this time but by the sweet melody of her child's birth.

  The doctor stared at the baby crying in her arms for a few long moments. "Congratulations. It's a boy."

  Asma and Hameed beamed brighter than the sun. Though Hameed thought he wouldn't be so pleased with a son, his heart nevertheless burst with joy.

  The feeling of Asma and his child being born into this world gripped him harder with bliss than anything else.

The doctor handed the wailing baby boy to a nurse . "Wash him up and cover in a blanket."
  the nurse lightly trembled as she held the child in her arms. The cute dumpling was crying with all his might, bringing tears to the nurse's eyes as well.

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