Cold shoulders❄️

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**Not edited.

The sun rose up high in the sky as it's already noon,Hameed squirmed turning around on the  bed as the brightness of the room became more conspicuous that his eyes could not resist ,his hand traveled to the right side and tapped twice where he found it empty. 'Asma is already awake' he asked himself as he sat down leaning his head to the bed board.
Smile braced his face'so this is the feeling of being married' he thought.

He quietly walked to the bathroom and took a shower after that he dressed himself in a light blue shirt and a cream beige pants.

He took a week off from the hospital ,so he won't go to work till next week. He already planned the activities he and Asma were going to do. 'talking about Asma where is she?' He asked himself as he made his way out of the bedroom, he silently checked the garden,may be she's there admiring the sun,but no!he found nothing, he walked to the library May be she's arranging her books,but no he saw the boxes untouched and no sight of Asma 'where could she be?' He asked himself as he stood at the library's door. Aha a light bulb appeared on the top his head as his eyes lightened up 'she must be in the kitchen then'. he made his way to the kitchen,as he moved closer a heavenly aromatic scent gave a critical hit to his nostrils.When he finally reached the kitchen he saw Asma in front of the stove clocked in another different set of baggies with a turban covering up her head. "SalamuAlaikum" he salamed as he found himself a seat at one of the stools in front of the kitchen island.

"Waalaikum salam"answered Asma dishing up the French toasts with some strawberries she found in the fridge and glazed it with some honey ,tallying it with a cup of orange juice she presented it to him.

"You know,you don't have to cook,Maama was planning to send over Maryam with some preserved foods, that we can warm it up anytime, and for the breakfast we should have ordered it"Hameed explained taking a bite of the French toast.

Taking a seat at the opposite together with her plate of food and juice she looked up to him and muttered
"Good" Hameed smiled taking another bite 'this surely tasted so good' but Asma wasn't done speaking.

"And for the breakfast it's was already noon and I don't want to die from hunger"
Hameed paused his movements with a sheepish grin . 'I should have woken up before her'
"Sorry I made you wait, I was dead tired"
"I see" she dully replied taking her fork to her mouth. To ease the awkward conversation Hameed quickly said
"This tasted delicious,you surely knows how to cook" swallowing the remnants of the food inside her mouth Asma unknowingly sarcastically replied with
"Not knowing my way with emotions doesn't mean I don't know other things Mr.Hameed"

Hameed sheepishly grin as he scratched the back of his neck.
"I didn't mean it that way Mrs.Hameed"
'Mrs.Hameed' . She thought giving him a side pointed look.

"Well you don't" she retorted and sipped her juice.
She is surely sarcastic but anyway she looked so cute. Hameed silently complained.

They finished their brunch in silence,Asma packed the dishes to the sink.she was preparing to start washing them when a hand stopped her
"Actually I don't know how to cook so let me do the dishes okay?" Hameed said with a smile looking at her.

"Okay" she replied slipping her hand away from his grasp and made her way to the living room,she sat there scrolling through channels.

"Let's have some coffee in the library" Hameed's voice came from behind,she turned her head and looked at him where he stood holding two cups of coffee. 'Uhmm' he gestured towards the library. Getting up from her seat they made their way to the library.

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