Ruin our friendship💔

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"Let's ruin our friendship". She firmly repeated,her orbs gleaming seriously.

"No way!!". Hameed hurriedly voiced out when he affirmed her words

   "Asma do you know what you are saying,no I hold this friendship dear to me so I won't break it"
Did she hate all my advances,she was cooperative and liking how I treated her,she loved my kisses my hugs,we even...we even

   "Let's be lovers instead". Her voice broke him out of his thoughts.

    "Huh?"he sounded and looked at her

Her lips quivered slightly,she clenched and unclenched her hands nervously
   "I really don't know how to say this,but Let's be Married lovers".

   "Huh?". And he subconsciously stumbled back.
    "Let's be married lovers Hubby!." She actively said

  'What!!she called me hubby!'he screamed inside his head,stupefied because of her words.

Time seemed to have moved into the slow motion kind of pace. Hameed felt his heartbeat missed a beat and slowly, his eyes widened.

Asma too nearly had reacted the same way. Her eyes stretched noticeably wide as if she had surprised herself at the words that her own mouth had just uttered.

For what felt like a long while — but might actually just be a few seconds the both of them just stood there and stared at each other. Unmoving. Wrapped together by a thick shocked silence. And it looked as though neither of them were breathing with how still they were.

Until Hameed began to hear the loud pounding of his heart. Her words... they finally registered fully into his mind that had short-circuited and had now rendered his entire being paralyzed before her. W-what... did she just... say? Did she me Hubby,yes! She called me that!!

Hameed searched her face in utter disbelief. And what he found on it only surprised him even more. He could now see real emotions flickering in her eyes and they were not actually subtle ones. In fact, they were so vivid and so intense that it was nearly hard for him to believe that this was really the very same Asma  that he had known all this time. It was hard to believe that this was the very same Asma who had been so eternally emotionless.

And the look in her eyes, that human-like expression, seemed to be able to just take his breath away. Asma looked like a totally different person right now in his eyes. And this version of her, he was hard pressed to admit it even to himself, but he did find it... simply mesmerizing.

That new and unfamiliar kind of gleam in her eyes was just something he could not explain with just mere words as words somehow were just too plain to be able to describe how she was right now.

He had no idea she was capable of showing such emotions. He did not even think she ever would show such a face as what he was seeing on her now.

Her words and emotions took him so much by surprise that now he could not stop his hand that was already reaching out to touch her face and...finally he found his voice back.

   "Well to me we're already one but i don't mind hearing it from you". He closed his eyes and silently inhale her lavender scent.

    "Call me that again please!". His emerald green orbs came clear with her hazel eyes and she slowly raised her hands to his face. Caressing his cheeks sensually before she pressed her forehead to his and repeated the word he wanted to hear.

      "Again please and slower". She smiled and repeated
      "Again wifey,whisper to me this time."
      "Hubby?". She whispered into his ears and with his eyes closed he slowly answered

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