Happy ❤️

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The atmosphere was a good one,everyone was bustling with happiness. They all looked happy as they talked to each other. Asma looked around the room at everyone and happiness streaked through her like a comet,a quiet contentment spread through her. 'So this is feeling of true happiness,the feeling of having another life inside me, I thank Allah massively for bringing Hameed into my life and for showing me this day,for granting me to experience the best feeling of happiness through this way!'.

"Today is Asma's discharge,I will go sign the papers now." Hameed informed the family and started to made his way out but the voice of Khadijah stopped him.

"After the discharge Hameed. Can Asma stay with me for the day?". She asked and Hameed instantly answered with.

"Okay Maama. I will come pick her up in the evening because of her therapy next morning."

"Okay." Khadijah answered with a smile and looked back to her son.

"Ahmad I.." Khadijah started but a lump in her throat stopped her.she felt like something was rushed over to her mouth.

"Excuse me." She quickly said and excused herself out of the room. She hurriedly made her way to the general restroom. When she got in,luckily there wasn't much people. Opening her mouth she puked blood,not a moment when she raised her head she bent her head again and puked out more blood.

When she finally stabilized she washed away the blood before rinsing her mouth. She looked into her bag and brought out a jar filled with medicinal pills,taking two of them she gulped them without water. After that she checked her wristwatch and her brows frowned

"It is already time." She walked out of the restroom to cardiology department.

Khadijah got inside the doctor's office when she reconfirmed her appointment with the receptionist.

"SalamuAlaikum." She closed the door behind her and quickly found her seat as she slightly felt dizzy.

"Waalaikum Mrs.Zaeem. Welcome how is your health."

"Alhamdulilah..."Khadijah heaved a sigh before she added

"I started to puke blood and the pain tend to increase recently. " she raised her hands in an explanation form and Doctor Haroun Donovan kept nodding his head,following her explanation

"The pills only subside the pain for just a minute,after that I will start to feel excruciating pain and nuisance."

After she reached the end of her words Doctor Haroun Donovan cleared his throat to say
"It has reached the stage where pills doesn't work anymore. You need surgery before it is too late." The doctor presented the ECHO and ECG of her heart.

"But you said there's 0.1 chance of survival." She reasoned out nervously fiddling with fingers

"Yes,your heart have reached a stage where it can stop beating at any moment. All your arteries are blocked and the circulation of blood is only done by vestries. other treatments are no longer working."

He kept silent for some seconds weighing the gravity of what he's going to next,he slowly raised his head and when he how she's attentively waiting for him he voiced it out.
"Mrs.Zaeem your days are numbered, with this you won't be able to last at 11months."

"What am I going to do now?" She slowly mumbled to herself,she clenched her fist that made her veins to bulge out and her eyes teared up.
"I want to at least see my grandchildren,my daughter just got pregnant. I want to witness and experience each moment of her pregnancy."

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