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Lang Qiangqiu barked "What?! What the hell do you mean!? We've been stuck here for-"

"No time to explain!" Xie Lian argued, annoyance clear in his words. He said again "Leave, leave!" Shi Qingxuan exclaimed "where could we leave?? This tunnel is small and is never ending!" Xie Lian kept hurrying them to leave, with no explanation.

"Would you stop rushing us and just explain-"

Lan Qiangqiu was then dragged under the water and mud, Xie Lian felt a little bit happy to see that Lang Qiangqiu was the first to go, taking Shi Qingxuan's hand and running while keeping their heads low.

"So, would you mind explaining what you're running away from!?"

Shi Qingxuan shouted, ducking their head as the two ran while crouching, making their movement slow. Suddenly the tunnel now shook aggressively and caused the two of them to fall on top of one another in the muddy tunnels. Looking up, they saw two large wriggling with one another, while Lang Qiangqiu had passed out from the shock of being dragged under mud and water by two unsightly beings. His body was wrapped and coiled with the earthworm's body, Shi Qingxuan almost choked out the invisible mud they could imagine in Lang Qiangqiu's mouth.

Thankfully, Xie Lian was used to living with these things, so seeing them again didn't make him gag in the slightest. Instead he instructed Shi Qingxuan to flame the torch so it would create light and heat. Earthworms like these, were afraid of heat and light so all that was needed was a brighter torch! Shi Qingxuan exclaimed "What about Lang Qianqiu??" Xie Lian didn't really think about that god but didn't care too, he just suggested, "Hold onto him as they run away?" Xie Lian's instruction felt more of a question to Shi Qingxuan. Either way Shi Qingxuan began to light their torch more and grabbed onto Lang Qiangqiu's arm.

Xie Lian decided to help Shi Qingxuan and used Rouye to cause a wind of fast air, which resulted in Lang Qiangqiu's clothing to begin burning. Shi Qingxuan screamed in fear as well did those earthworms, finally letting go of the god. He was dropped onto the muddy water which distinguished the flames on Lang Qiangqiu's clothes.

Xie Lian knew that the earthworms would only let go of Lang Qiangqiu if he himself was on fire, he really didn't have the wind master hold on for the sliver of hope that Lang Qiangqiu made it out of the coiled earthworm's grasp. It was only so the wind master's torch was near Lang Qiangqiu to burn his clothing, and once the worms dropped him the fire would be distinguished by the muddy water they were stepping all over in. The only thing Xie Lian didn't think of was how to get Lang Qiangqiu to get the hell up!

Shi Qingxuan decided to lead the way with the torch in hand, still wandering through the tunnel. At this point Xie Lian was regretting the choice to go down the stairs, wait, he didn't jump down here at will? He remembered he'd been pushed! Xie Lian let out an annoyed sigh, when he found out who pushed he'll make them regret it for forcing him to work with two annoying gods. Well, to him, one annoying god and one 'okay' god.

The two were beginning to lose hope when they circled for another 40 minutes, this tunnel was beginning to make Xie Lian claustrophobic as well as Shi Qingxuan, and within the 40 minutes Lang Qiangqiu had not awoken! God damn, did this boy die already?!

Xie Lian felt around with his foot, soon stepping on a hard surface... a stone tile! This stone tile, had a design of a gorgeous goddess and a breathtaking god, with a small child who seemed to be 11. The design for them all was simple, as if a child drew them down here. He ignored the drawing taking out his pair of dice. Shi Qingxuan threw the dice and landed a two 3s.

The drawing beneath them changed shape, to a bedroom... Praying that they'd make it out of this claustrophobic area, Shi Qingxuan propped up Lan Qiangqiu as Xie Lian hit his head annoyed, just as the worms were inching over. Lang Qiangqiu finally woke up, but to the sight of two worms inching towards them, in a panic he screamed which made Shi Qingxuan drop him and Xie Lian to fall, just as the plate fell as well.

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