White Resentment

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On the mountain, there was hardly any life there, Wen Ning questioned "How were you able to stay alive for this long?" Lan Wangji responded "Killing animals and roasting them, drinking river water."


Wen Ning officially felt happy he wasn't alive to deal with the thought of dehydration and starvation. Wen Yuan mumbled in his sleep and Wen Ning patted the child's back to comfort him. Suddenly, Lan Wangji stopped walking and laid Wei Wuxian down, Wen Ning stopped several feet away from the two, running ahead to catch up to them and asked "Why are you stopping?"


Replied Lan Wangji. Wen Ning opened his mouth, "oh." He said, Wen Yuan was still asleep because of how dark it was now. Lan Wangji dropped his guqin beside Wen Ning and left. Wen Ning sat on the floor beside his master and laid Wen Yuan beside Wei Wuxian's sleeping body, while he, himself, stared at the amount of wood Lan Wangji was gathering. Wen Ning decided to help and tried standing to gather wood as well, but Lan Wangji raised his hand to stop him, Lan Wangji stated "I will collect wood, you watch Wei Ying and A-Yuan." Wen Ning nodded and sat back down. He watched from afar as Lan Wangji's silhouette became more and more dense.

Lan Wangji didn't have a hachet around, nor was he skilled in cutting down branches, but Bichen would be enough for him to use. Lan Wangji found an old Dawn Redwood tree alone on a single large patch of dirt, its branches seemed big enough for a fire so he raised his sword and struck a branch. It easily swept off and he carried the branch under his arm and he picked it up, it was rather small in size so he continued chopping off random branches on the tree to create a fire.

Once he returned with more than enough firewood, he found Wen Ning sitting in a ball speaking with two people who seemed to be from the Jiang Clan, and Lan Clan. Lan Wangji's first motive was to unsheathe Bichen and question the two, but when he saw them turn around he placed his sword back in it's sheath, and continued to walk towards their camp.

Lan Qiang waved at Lan Wangji shyly while Lan Wangji gave the other a nod of acknowledgement. Jiang Ehuang was still speaking with Wen Ning, and Wen Ning thanked Jiang Ehuang, "I probably would've been gone by now if it wasn't for you." Jiang Ehuang nodded, seeming at peace. Lan Wangji asked "What do you mean?" Wen Ning responded "Oh, this is the woman who saved me." Jiang Ehuang nodded in agreement and said "Thank you for taking care of Wei Wuxian." Lan Wangji bowed in response. He suddenly asked "Why is Lan Qiang still here? I thought Lan Qiang left." Lan Qiang admitted, "I... got lost, Jiang Ehuang was showing me how to get out of here..."

"For 3 hours?"

Lan Wangji clarified, now sitting down with them. Jiang Ehuang intervened, replying "Yes, he has a tendency to get lost." Lan Wangji nodded. Wen Yuan started awakening, he squinted his eyes at the 4 figures to try and see them more clearly. Wen Ning's ghostly claws patted Wen Yuan gently while the young boy started waking up. Lan Wangji commented "I think you and Jiang Yong's timing is way too convenient." The two looked at each other to only look away. Lan Wangji raised an eyebrow while Jiang Ehuang explained "Ah, I told him to search for you two when the time is right, not when he needs to go meet Jiang Wanyin." Lan Wangji's eyes softened at the two and questioned "So the wedding... Wasn't a lie?"

"Did you two think it was because my fiancée was the one who gave away word?"

Lan Wangji nodded and Jiang Ehuang sighed in exhaustion. She said "Come if you will, I'd like to see Wei Ying and Wen Ning along with that child." A-Yuan was still sleeping in Wen Ning's arms while Jiang Ehuang laughed quietly. Lan Wangji sighed and started setting up camp, stating "Leave, too many people will cause suspicion here."

"Ah, alright... Jiang Yong we—"

"I thought I told you to call me Jiang Ehuang."

While the two walked away, Lan Wangji could hear their voices bickering, well only Jiang Ehuang. While he started to build a camp fire for warmth, Wen Yuan was starting to awake. Wen Ning looked down at the small boy waking up and rubbing his little eyes. When he was fully awake, he looked around and saw Wei Wuxian sleeping peacefully on the ground, with Lan Wangji making a fire, though he didn't see the gege covered in white. Wen Yuan looked up at Wen Ning while sitting in the man's lap, asking "Where is White Gege?" Hearing his voice, Lan Wangji looked up to see Wen Yuan awake and curious. The other answered "Sleeping." Wen Yuan stood up from Wen Ning's lap and walked over to Lan Wangji making a fire, before Wen Ning could stop Wen Yuan, Lan Wangji held his arm out protecting Wen Yuan from the flames that suddenly burst.

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