White Resentment

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White Resentment carried Wei Wuxian and Wen Yuan to where Lan Wangji crashed into them, still somewhat angry at Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian yelled "WATCH IT!" Lan Wangji looked under him to see Wei Wuxian and White Resentment carrying a crying child. 


He exclaimed at White Resentment who whistled at his other master scolding him. Lan Wangji got up and attacked the other party there, scolding "I thought I instructed you to take Wei Ying and A-Yuan away from here!" As he said so, Lan Wangji raised his sword and struck the side of someone's chest open, their blood gushing out as it stained his clothes with blood again, a blood curdling scream was heard from the cultivator. Wen Yuan closed his eyes tightly from the frightening sight. White Resentment tried holding Wei Wuxian down arguing with Lan Wangji "Tell your little wife to listen! I can barely hold him down with him being my MAIN Master!" Wei Wuxian thrashed, and threw White Resentment to the side, still holding onto Wen Yuan. 

Wen Yuan whimpered in fear, so Wei Wuxian panted out a chant to make the child fall asleep. When Wen Yuan fell asleep, Wei Wuxian gave him to White Resentment, and turned back to the battle of Lan Wangji and whatever sect was after them. Lan Wangji was clashing swords, shimmers of red and light blue filled the air while they fought. This cultivator seemed to be from the Jiang Clan, which meant Jiang Cheng. Their purple uniform drenched in blood from the death of his comrades and his face tired from the fight. While Lan Wangji seemed like this was nothing more than daily exercise for him, on the inside he was tired, he wanted to sleep for a little longer at least. 

The cultivator for the Jiang Clan panted and ran to Lan Wangji, his sword dancing with himself in the moonlight, quickly, Wei Wuxian took hold of his flute on his belt and played a chilling tune. The corpses in the surrounding area broke through the soil heeding Wei Wuxian's command, Lan Wangji and the cultivator both looked behind Lan Wangji to see a brightly glowing read light emitting from the darkness, with a flute tune haunting the air. The cultivator's breathing hitched as he felt himself slowly back away, from the tune, the haunting tune of Yiling Lazou. White Resentment had no dispersed, it seemed Wei Wuxian was unknowing of the fact whenever he decided to bust out demonic cultivation, White Resentment was quite literally the Stygian Tiger Amulet so therefore he had no clue nobody was watching Wen Yuan. 

The cultivator practically peed himself on the spot from fear of Wei Wuxian, his sword was trembling along with his body, the bodies of decaying corpses all groaned in unison targeting the cultivator. Fortunately for him, these decaying bodies had little resentment, so they all came forward almost limping, Wei Wuxian felt disappointed at the very least, wishing Wen Ning were there, but after he passed out he hadn't seen Wen Ning or felt his presence forever. 

Although the cultivator hadn't figured out these creatures were of no threat, Lan Wangji took this chance to project his sword towards the cultivator, catching them off guard. The cultivator choked out blood and fell on his knees, trying to stand again. Lan Wangji let the man struggle in death and turned his head back to Wei Wuxian, who stopped playing his flute, the two stared in longing silence before Lan Wangji looked behind Wei Wuxian to see Wen Yuan fast asleep by himself. 

"Wei Ying, why did you leave A-Yuan there?"

The other glanced behind himself and saw the small child he cared for was by himself by a bush near. Wei Wuxian got angry that Wen Yuan was alone and called out "WHITE RESENTMENT!" White Resentment came forward almost like dust being collected in the air, he asked "Yes? Ma-" 


Wei Wuxian screamed at White Resentment, White Resentment held up it's silhouette hands and exclaimed "I didn't, I swear!" Lan Wangji walked behind Wei Wuxian without the other realizing and waited patiently for Wei Wuxian. The other berated White Resentment, running to pick up the child and carry him back, that's when he noticed Lan Wangji silently watching them. He closed his eyes and sighed, White Resentment suggested "Master, we clearly aren't going to survive on our own, it wouldn't be so bad for Lan Zhan-" Wei Wuxian interrupted White Resentment with a grunt of anger, so White Resentment said "...I mean Lan Wangji..." Lan Wangji looked around and saw a rustle in the bushes, he felt no ill intent from the thing in the bushes, and yet he drew his sword protecting Wei Wuxian and the child, Wei Wuxian questioned "What are you doing?" 

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