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Es entered the room, to find before himself a boy who seemed at least 17 years old slouching on his chair. This boy had purple hair and eyes filled with terror, if it wasn't for him hearing Es enter the door and looking up, Es wouldn't had caught the horror in his eyes. 

Sitting down, Es stared at this first prisoner, with Jackalope's words echoing in his mind "You may vote them for whatever reason you wish." He sighed and began "I am the prison guard of this establishment, Es." The boy's eyes seemed tired, Es could even see streaks of past tears. The boy stammered "U-Uhm... I'm Matsuda Hiroshi... I..." He trailed off without thinking. Hiroshi was going blank on what else to say. Es said "Ahem, then... Hiroshi-kun, do you understand what Milgram even is?" Hiroshi shook his head hesitantly. He had a grasp of what Milgram was, but not the full picture. Es explained "Then, allow me. Milgram is a prison full of murderers where their sins will be judged by me based off what I see in a music video produced by your memories. Understand?" Hiroshi nodded and stated "Yeah... Understandable enough..."  Es crossed his legs and continued "Then, you know what the verdicts I can give out are?" Hiroshi nodded, agreeing with Es. 

Now that Es no longer had to explain, Es had some time to spare before the music video was shown. Hiroshi perked up and asked "Uhm, is there a reason we're sitting here still..?" Es assumed "It most likely takes a while, so while we wait, let's chat." Hiroshi murmured "Uh, sure."

"Hiroshi-kun, what is the reason you committed your murder?"

Hiroshi flinched instantly when asked, Es continued "No matter what your answer may be, I'll know the truth through the music video." Hiroshi gulped a painful lump of guilt and shame before he spoke again, "I don't know." Es blinked. "What?" Hiroshi repeated himself for the prison guard again, "I don't know..." Es could see Hiroshi begin to tear up again, he sat up and questioned "What is 'I don't know' supposed to mean?" Hiroshi responded "I-I don't know myself why I murdered her..." Her? Es' eyes narrowed and they asked "Who's 'her'?" Hiroshi admitted "My-My ex-fiance..." Es frustratingly groaned and said "If you don't know, why did you even do such a thing?" Hiroshi cried again "I don't know!- AH!" Es smacked Hiroshi and coldly stated "Calm yourself, hearing you cry isn't comforting for the ears." Hiroshi nodded, more silent and less tense.

Es sat back down and kept speaking "So, for my questions for you." Hiroshi looked up rubbing his cheek lightly, "How is it here for you at Milgram?" Hiroshi glanced around before answering "Fine, I think." "You think?" Es raised an eyebrow, seeing their eyebrow raise Hiroshi flinched and kept speaking "Y-Yeah! I... I don't really trust my own answers to be correct... Oh, and I do think sitting in my cell in bed is fine, I think...? I'm not too sure, ah, Reiki-chan is nice, she's scary but-" Es stopped him mid sentence "That's enough.." They continued "You don't trust your own answers, you said?" Hiroshi nodded. Es asked "Why is that?" Hiroshi explained "Ah, because I have poor decision making skills... heh..." Es questioned "What makes you say that?" Hiroshi panicked and stated "Because I do! My parents were the only ones who knew how to handle situations, and whenever I attempted people always ended up hating me." Hating him? Es bit their lip while squinting hard at Hiroshi, saying "I see, they babied you I guess?" Hiroshi blinked, "When you say it like that..." "Well, it does seem that way." Es stated, Hiroshi scratched his head nervously. Hiroshi began swinging his legs from the awkwardness of it all, Es had questions though. 

"Well then, what was your ex-fiance like?" Es questioned, Hiroshi laughed lightly explaining "To be fair, she wasn't really an ex... My parents had me arranged with her." Es blinked momentarily before asking "...How old are you?" Hiroshi replied "I'm 16." Es slouched in his seat confused, why would parents arrange a son who's only 16 years old into a marriage?? "How old was your ex-fiance?" Hiroshi thought for a moment, needing to think, Es had a hunch from how long he even had to think. Hiroshi finally stated "Uhm, almost 20 years old I think." Es' head dropped as they didn't need to hear anymore. Es' guts cringed at the thought of the almost 20 year old woman being told she's being arranged with a 16 year old boy. Hiroshi continued "As what she was like... She was cold most of the time I lived with her..."

Es rubbed his head as if they had a headache, mentally they did. Es then switched to another topic, "Any thoughts of the Milgram system?" Hiroshi didn't hesitate to reply "No." The answer startled Es as Hiroshi spoke as soon as they finished their sentence. Es nodded, speaking "I see... For someone who was crying earlier, you sure bounced back easily..." "Bounced back?" Es nodded, saying "You seem less tense." Hiroshi scoffed replying "If I was tense, you would've smacked me again..." Es didn't reply for a few seconds, before saying "...I see. Then apologies for the violence." Hiroshi's eyes shined differently suddenly when hearing this apology from Es, he didn't say anything in return but sat still

Suddenly, the two heard the sound of what seemed to be gears turning. Hiroshi looked up and around asking "Is this it...?" Es didn't respond and only sat silently. Continuing to hear the strange noises Es noticed Hiroshi sit up for the first time and smiled at them. "I hope I see you next trial." Then it became dark.

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