Interrogation Answers

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1. I want to be loved.

"I loved you."

2. I don't know.

"Hm, I'm not sure either."

3. Aren't they both good feelings?

"I don't know, what do you consider good feelings?"

4. I think so.

"I didn't think you would believe in the concept of god."

5. I disappointed him.

"That's unfortunate."

6. I don't know.

"I'm not too sure myself."

7. My father and mother and me.

"I don't remember seeing your father often, did he avoid you?"

8. I do not have one.

"Did you not kill them?"

9. I love them.


10. That's impossible.

"You give up too easily."

11. I think there is.

"I wish there was a way for me to buy my life back." 

12. I like talking with the prisoners.

"Ah, Harukas in prison... No surprise there but..."

13. I do not like animals.

"I remember you loving your pet dog though?"

14. Fireworks.

"Fireworks are nice, I guess."

15. Little children and animals. 


16. I don't have the right.

"If you say so."

17. There is.

"And that is?"

18. Betraying people.

"So why did you betray me..?"

19. My mother.

"Why is it crossed off?"

20. Cotton candy.

"That's nice."

21. I don't know.

"Why are you always unsure..."

22. It's kind of relaxing.

"I wonder what Haruka looks like now."

23. Not really.


24. I want to live normally.

"So did I." 

25. I can't think of anywhere.

"As for me, maybe the amusement park."

26. These days Muu talks to me a lot.

"Muu? Who?" 

27. I want someone to give me attention.

"You just want someone to act like a mother to you."

28. I wear what I have.

"I bought a lot of the fashionable clothes you have, I'm a little sad you never wore them."

29. I don't like either.

"Strange, but whatever."

30. I never thought of that before.

"I've never thought of it either... I guess I dislike my neck currently."

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