Interrogation Questions

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1.) Any prisoners you're fond of?


2.) What do you like about yourself?

"Uh, I don't know."

3.) Anything you wish to say?

"I hope I die."

4.) Do you believe in angels and demons?


5.) Anything worth mentioning from your last Milgram facility?

"Angels and demons exist."

6.) When was the last time you were injured?

"When my eyes bursted."

7.) What's your sexuality?

"uhh, whatever the term is for liking men and women."

8.) Are you glad you were born?


9.) How was your childhood?


10.) Who did you kill in your last Milgram facility?

"Matsuda Hiroshi."

11.) How would you feel if you were voted guilty?

"Glad. Maybe even pleased."

12.) How would you feel if you were voted innocent?


13.) How would other's describe you?

"People don't know how to describe me.... I have this dull face that pisses them off."

14.) What are your thoughts on the guards using violence against prisoners?

"Well, we are all murderers. We have no right to complain."

15.) Why did you kill someone in your last facility?

"Because that freak was insane, more insane than me."

16.) Thoughts on the guards?

"Whoever interrogated me is silly and immature. Though, they look to be teenager so it's better that they're silly and immature."

17.) What do you think of charity?

"What about it?"

18.) Any prisoners you're not fond of?

"Myself. :)"

19.) Favorite number 002.

20.) Do you think the world can change?

"Not really. I don't have control on others."

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