Just Disappear

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The camera scrolls up to a small white kitten, alone in a box in the freezing rain. It's mother gone off to find food, a teenage Asahi approaches the cat

Just disappear and vanish

He blinked and picked up the white kitten

Laugh or cry? Doesn't matter...

His dad adopted the kitten and her mother for Asahi

Live, with those...

His dad is being rained upon with money, covering his entire being

mysterious and unknown contradictions.

Eventually, the money cover his dad completely, leaving him with the white kitten and its mother

Until you can't feel anything anymore...

Asahi falls into a seat at a table, with his dad, the white kitten and the white kitten's mother who becomes a beautiful young woman

He blinks

Just give up yourself

He sees many children crying and begging for their parents

Capture "lies", worries and "self" in your eyes...


Camera scrolled up Asahi's face looking down at them pitifully 


His father approaches the young woman from before

and lust

His father introduced the young woman as Asahi's "mom"

they change people

He looked down at the white kitten

Don't want to think anymore, goodbye

The white kitten enters a cellar 

Forget about time just want to say-

The screen turns black

Goodbye, now

Asahi roamed the streets in the pouring rain, similar to a stray cat

People, they all come from the same kind

While walking, he watched people who work for his father kidnap children

But why are they trying to transcend others?

"Shut up!" 

Asahi screamed but everyone walked past him as he fell to the ground

I always scream in my head

He looked up and saw his dad staring at him disappointingly 

I'm fed up with myself being unimportant

Middle schooler Asahi was standing in a class play, eagerly waiting for his father

That day, you said "we can meet" Then you had a crush on someone

But nobody came

We never met that night

The white kitten had blood splattered on her as a child she had been forced to claw the face of wept

At that point, I am the whole army. There ain't any hope and support in my heart. They are in my phone

His father kissed his step mom "lovingly"

The great man, depressed, resentful?

A group of girls are bought by an old adult man

Is it "erotic" that saves the world?

Asahi's father says something to him

Teach me the meaning of die

The light in Asahi's eyes dwindle, for the rest of the MV the lights in his eyes are no longer there

A sequence of Asahi selling children and sometimes even killing them show as if it were seen by the eyes of a cat

Even if the clock turns back, I was just born without any reason

Being picked up and naturally collapsed

Asahi said to the white cat:

"I really understand your true feelings." Sob.

A small girl sobs to herself as Asahi approached her

Yet, can't find my place to be, there's no meaning searching for it, isn't it?

Asahi looks at his hand filled with blood, overcome with emotion

The world is always filled with injustice

The cat stretched and walked away

Please make everyone happy(?)

Asahi roams the street as a joyful cat

Let's live at our own place

Capture "Past",

A cat climbing a tree falls down


Numerous kids pray

and "yourself in your eyes"

Asahi lays on the ground next to a tree

Hatred and resentment...

The white kitten slowly grows up to be an older cat

They change people...

The cat hisses at Asahi

Asahi threw up

Don't want to think anymore, goodbye

A glass vase fell

Forget about time, just want to say-

The cat runs at Asahi and morphs into a human girl with pure white hair, she held a knife and had an angry expression

goodbye now.

(I want you)

Flashback of a cat trying to reach for Asahi's dad

His dad looked at them with disappointment

Fed up and I don't give a damn about complaints or betrayal  

(I love(?) you?)

The cat was revealed to be Asahi

Confused, but still living desperately, you are the best!

Easy peasy!

Asahi puked blood and fell to the floor, pretending to be dead

Be greedier!

Numerous children being sold and taken away plague Asahi's mind

I think I'm going to shut down myself

His dad laughed and pushed Asahi to the floor

Don't need to hurry, it's not scary, lets cross when the light turns red

A knife drops to the floor

People, they all come from the same kind, but why are they comparing values and others?

"Freedom is the best!"

His dad stomped the text bubble

I always scream in my heart

Unimportant, lonely, fighting-

Asahi wakes up in a hospital


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