Jun Interrogation questions

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1.) What do you think of your verdict?

"I think that it's just what the prison guards chose to believe in, they are children, I don't hold anything against them."

2.) What is love to you?

"An intense feeling."

3.) Who did you love in life?

"I wouldn't say I loved him, but I did care for my son."

4.) Do you remember your victim's name?

"Rokuro- something."

5.) Any prisoners you don't get along with?

"Not really. If I were to choose someone, Aoi?"

6.) What did you do in your job?

"I was often posted to guard protests."

7.) Do you regret your crime, or your choices?

"Murder is a choice, but if I were to choose one or the either, I regret my choices."

8.) Do you believe someone can cause a suicide?


9.) What do you not regret in life?

"Uh, that I was thrown in prison? I guess?"

10.) If you could buy anything in the whole world, what would you buy?

"Lots of money."

11.) If someone told you to change, would you?

"Yes, well... I used too, but now I stay as I am."

12.) Anything you'd like to say?

"Please don't hurt my son."

13.) Any relatives worth mentioning?

"My 4 cousins, my aunt and few other uncles, and my nephew."

14.) What kind of job do you think Aoi would fit?

"A comedian."

15.) Favorite fruit?


16.) Have you dated anyone recently?


17.) Are you homosexual?

"I'm sorry, what does that mean again?"

18.) Would you forgive the other prisoners?

"Well, if we're all murderers no matter how much we say we aren't, then no."

19.) Hobbies?

"None I can think of."

20.) Any family that went to jail?

"My sister caused her boyfriend's suicide and is now serving time. That is why I have a son."

21.) Any flaws?

"I follow what other people say too easily."

22.) What would you do if you saw a starving child?

"Most likely leave them be. Even if I feed them then, they'll get hungry and starve again."

23.) Earliest childhood memory?

"I played as a priest for a childhood friend's fake wedding?"

24.) Music genre?

"Heavy metal."

25.) Do you like the person you are today?


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