Reiki-Hiroshi Interrogation

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Reiki Interrogation

1.) What do you want in life?

"I want to be free. Make my own decisions for once."

2.) What kind of job did you want to apply for?

"Maybe as a police officer or lawyer... but I'd never be able to make the cut for school."

3.) How's your relationship with your parents?

"...I mean I did kill them. So you can imagine my relationship with them."

4.) What is a moment in life where you took a step back and thought if it were wrong or right?

"When I heard my parents having a conversation about some lady less fortunate than us deserving to die. I was little."

5.) Is there something you wish to have with you from your past life?

"My dog, he comforted me most."

6.) Is death the end?

"Yes, your consciousness disappears."

7.) what is life to you?

"Trial and error until you decide you can't be bothered to deal with errors."

8.) Do you have any regrets?

"I think my only regret are my brother and sisters. I wish I hadn't raged on them and harmed them."

9.) Do you like the way you turned out?

"Frankly, no. I killed someone, it doesn't matter my reason. I made a choice, a bad choice, thats why I'm here."

10.) Did you have someone you admired?

"Yes, my younger sister."

11.) what do you hate most?

"Entitled people."

12.) Are there any prisoners you're close with?

"I don't know anyone."

13.) What is 'freedom' to you?

"Being able to say what's on my mind without being punished for thinking for myself."

14.) Do you believe in god?

"No, god is not something I care about."

15.) Did you enjoy school?

"not really, but it was needed so I attended."

Hiroshi Interrogation

1.) What do you want in life?

"For someone to take control of me, to be told what my next move is."

2.) What kind of job did you want to apply for?

"I'm not sure."

3.) How's your relationship with your parents?

"Great, they told me everything that I had to do. It was much easier.

4.) What is a moment in life where you took a step back and thought if it were wrong or right?

"I don't need to think if it's wrong or right, I just do whatever someone tells me too."

5.) Is there something you wish to have with you from your past life?

"My fiancé."

6.) Is death the end?

"I don't know?"

7.) what is life to you?

"A life. There's nothing more to it really."

8.) Do you have any regrets?

"I wish I didn't kill my fiancé, she was only telling me what to do and was hitting me because I failed to understand her instructions."

9.) Do you like the way you turned out?

"Sort of."

10.) Did you have someone you admired?

"Yes! My parents."

11.) what do you hate most?

"Morals. I don't need people to dislike me for letting other's walk all over me."

12.) Are there any prisoners you're close with?

"No, so far I only like Warden-kun."

13.) What is 'freedom' to you?

"Freedom? Being told what to do I guess?"

14.) Do you believe in god?

"No, nobody isn't telling me to believe in him, so I don't."

15.) Did you enjoy school?

"Yes, I got told what to do a lot in school.

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