Interrogation questions

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1.) What do you think of adults?

"They're scary. I try to distance myself from them."

2.) Anything you want to mention?

"Hm, I apologize for my suicide attempt. I was feeling down."

3.) What is a mother to you?

"Someone who cares for you."

4.) Do you think you'll be forgiven this time as well?

"No. You will probably vote me guilty in spite of me, I don't have high hopes for the likes of you."

5.) What's your type?

"I don't know. Yukari is really pretty though."

6.) Any prisoners you're fond of?


7.) Do you believe in god?


8.) Hobbies?

"Uh... Tying blankets?"

9.) Tell us the origin of your name

"My sister saw the word "404" on her screen and named me that."

10.) Would you forgive the other prisoners?

"Who knows."

11.) Do you think your family is proud of you?

"They've hated me (besides my sister) from the moment I came out of the womb."

12.) Do you know how your parents met?

"They met in college. Dad got mom pregnant so they had to get married"

13.) What would you do if the world ends tomorrow?

"Visit my old prison."

14.) What do you want to be when you grow up?

"Never thought about it..."

15.) How would you define a "good person"?

"They don't kill anyone."

16.) Are you a morning or night person?


17.) How would you title this chapter of your life?

" "Someone get me out of Milgram already!" "

18.) If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be?

"I'd sneak out and stop people from 'training' my sister."

19.) Is there anything you treasure?


20.) What do you dislike about yourself?

"I'm awkward and hard to talk to. I wish I was a lot more like Miya or something."

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