Binghe's Amnesia

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Shen Qingqiu woke up to an empty room with no Luo Binghe, assuming that he must've left Shen Qingqiu walked out their bedroom door to bathe and get ready for the day, once he finished bathing he stepped out to find Luo Binghe drooling.


He said angrily, Luo Binghe innocently gave Shen Qingqiu his puppy eyes and responded "Yes?" Shen Qingqiu replied "Don't you dare try anything." Luo Binghe lied "I would never!" Being sarcastic, Shen Qingqiu hit Luo Binghe on the head and walked past him, the other giggled fondly at his shizun. Luo Binghe followed Shen Qingqiu to their bedroom and sat on their mattress. While Shen Qingqiu changed, he could practically feel the gaze of his husband looking at his bare body, to which he quickly changed. Shen Qingqiu picked up his fan and asked "Binghe, where were you this morning?" Luo Binghe answered "I was cooking breakfast!" Shen Qingqiu was surprised because he didn't smell Luo Binghe's magnificent cooking, nor did he even see dishes on their table. Luo Binghe added "I thought today looked amazing for Shizun, so I wanted to eat with him outside!" Shen Qingqiu looked out the window and was surprised how nice it looked. He nodded and praised "Thank you, Binghe knows his shizun very well." Luo Binghe nodded and took Shen Qingqiu outside for their breakfast. Though, Shen Qingqiu was nervous that the animals or insects had already taken his food, so he hurried to check if it was still okay. Thankfully it was, the insects didn't dare go near Shen Qingqiu's food made by Luo Binghe's hands.

On a wooden makeshift bench, was what seemed to be bread and eggs with rice. Luo Binghe then sat beside the food patting beside himself for Shen Qingqiu, who grabbed the bowl and looked around, then asking "Where are my chopsticks?" Luo Binghe's face seemed to have dulled for a moment before he exclaimed "Ah! I forgot about chopsticks for shizun, this disciple is sorry!" 

"No matter, I can go grab some from inside."

Luo Binghe stopped Shen Qingqiu and intervened, and cried out "I can do it!!" He quickly ran inside to look for chopsticks so Shen Qingqiu could have some breakfast. Shen Qingqiu looked around again and noticed there wasn't a second bowl for Luo Binghe himself, he thought it was strange Luo Binghe made nothing for himself, maybe he wasn't hungry, Shen Qingqiu assumed. After 5 minutes Luo Binghe returned to the bench but was walking slowly while he looked at the ground in confusion. Shen Qingqiu noticed he wasn't carrying any chopsticks and Shen Qingqiu sighed saying "You cause a ruckus to fetch me some chopsticks but you never went to grab them??" He was ready to just waltz in to grab his own before Luo Binghe looked up with his dull eyes. When he saw Shen Qingqiu yelling at him, his eyes lit up and he apologized "I'm sorry Shizun! I forgot to grab them!"

"Hah?? How do you forget to grab them?"

Luo Binghe stated "I went in there, but I forgot why I was there.." Shen Qingqiu stayed quiet as Luo Binghe apologized, finally Shen Qingqiu stated "You don't need to apologize." Luo Binghe nodded turning his back to grab them again before Shen Qingqiu stopped him. He said "I'll grab them, you can enjoy the sunlight." Luo Binghe argued "But shizun-"

"No buts."

Shen Qingqiu confirmed, still trying to be gentle, Luo Binghe pouted and said sadly "Okayyy.." 

"Thank you."

Shen Qingqiu went back inside and grabbed himself a pair of chopsticks, looking around for them though. He began thinking about what Luo Binghe said before, about forgetting why he was even in the house. Shen Qingqiu was worried this amnesia of his was only getting worse for Luo Binghe, sighing Shen Qingqiu thought to himself "I wish I was experienced with this type of stuff..." 

He later returned outside with a pair of chopsticks while Luo Binghe kept Shen Qingqiu's food on some fire to keep it warm and hot, Shen Qingqiu smiled gently, saying "Binghe, you don't need to do that." Shen Qingqiu picked up his food Luo Binghe cooked for him, and began eating. While he was secretly stuffing down Luo Binghe's delicious food down, Luo Binghe asked "Shizun, how does it taste?" The other replied "Amazing." While slightly blushing as he looked away. Luo Binghe smiled and blushed thanking him, Shen Qingqiu replied "It's nothing..." Luo Binghe giggled and responded "Okay Shizun!"

DraftsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora