Bittersweet Cherry Goodbye

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Hey, lookie look, and look and look here.

This woman's poor kid just their helpless life.

A woman sobs over the dead body of a murdered woman

As heros we run out there, only to realize the perpetrator is us.


Eyes look around everywhere

Hide, hide, hide and don't look back

Cry, cry, cry, and don't feel sorry

The woman cries and clings to Jun's leg but he doesn't  show any empathy for her

You daughter ran away, she's rather rather thorny.

*Rap end*


Bittersweet Cherry goodbye!

Policemen hand over papers and such to Jun as we walks to deliver them somewhere

It switches off to the murdered woman laying in a casket

Say goodbye to all the ones who loved you so

Bittersweet Cherry goodbye!

Police tape cover the camera

The woman's casket is being lowered

There is no justice to bid your body farewell

Yet time and time I follow all the rules, listening to others, following their will.

Jun does various tasks for others

Bittersweet Cherry goodbye is my farewell to the justice you won't earn. 

Jun's superiors hand him evidence and whisper in his ear as his eyes widened.

Do I choose and make a story? In the end my individuality is with them all.

The screen becomes black and distorted 


Reiki, a girl who killed her loved ones

Flashbacks to Reiki sitting down with a gun in her hands, she turned around to face Jun

Reiki, a girl who ended it all

Flashback to Jun seeing Reiki's parents murdered and having their brains shot out

Reiki, a girl who I hope will rot away

Flashback to Jun interrogating Reiki

*rap end*

The screen returns to normal


Bittersweet Cherry goodbye! 

The mother from the beginning cries and clings to several policemen who ignore her

A family belonging to the murdered woman sob together

Say goodbye to all the ones who loved you so

Bittersweet Cherry goodbye!

The case seems to have gone cold

There is no justice to bid your body farewell

The woman is seen to be labeled "slut" as her grave is desecrated 

Yet time and time I follow all the rules, listening to others, following their will.

Bittersweet Cherry goodbye is my farewell to the justice you won't earn.

Jun looks down at the evidence he was given

Do I choose and make a story? In the end my individuality is with them all.

These wishes, give you sweet kisses, and yet it misses, the crime of it all.

Jun burns the evidence

Why should I care?

Care about it all?

Jun leaves

I'm just doing a simple job.


Jun continues his life normally, doing tasks for others and emotionlessly watching as others break before him.

The fire spreads throughout my life, throughout my death and throughout my mind

The evidence is still burning

Lava so thick it drives me sick. 

Jun opens his mouth and tries to eat a cherry but is stunned to not taste anything

I can't taste a thing

It tastes nasty

Maybe maybe maybe-

The mother of the murdered woman is sitting in front of Jun with her wrists slit

Bittersweet Cherry goodbye!

The mother's casket is lowered beside her daughter

Say goodbye to all the ones who loved you so

Bittersweet Cherry goodbye!

The police department has a protest against them

There is no justice to bid your body farewell

Yet time and time I follow all the rules, listening to others, following their will.

Bittersweet Cherry goodbye is the death of justice you won't earn.

Jun ignores them and keeps moving until he stops by a cell

Do I choose and make a story? In the end my individuality is with them all.

Bittersweet Cherry goodbye will be the end.

Reiki is sitting in the cell staring at him

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