Atsushi-404 Interrogation

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1) What is something you wish to bring with you?

"I guess my brother's body."

2) Do you like your name?

"Yeah, it's simple."

3) Do you remember your sibling's name?

"Of course."

4) Any prisoners you're not fond of?

"Jun was once a police officer so I'm a bit nervous..."

5) what do you feel most guilty about right now?

"I guess that I gave him a painful death."

6) what is the most bizarre thing someone has said to you?

"Not sure."

7) Have you ever had a partner

"Yes, I think around 6."

8) Would you ever open a business?

"No... Too much work."

9) Do you have a family tradition?"

"Yes! We'd always hang our wishes on trees every year. Although I guess that's a tradition most families do..."

10) fondest memory with your sibling?

"When we cooked a chicken together. We both burnt the chicken for our parents haha!

11) Did you hate your sibling


12) What's your biggest fear

"I guess pain?"

13) How many kids would you want to have?

"Maybe around 3. I want them to have older sisters/brothers to look up too."

14) What's more important to you, friends or family?


15) Who was your first ever friend?

"Some boy named Junpei. I Wonder where he is..."

16) What would a "perfect day" be for you?

"Exciting! Maybe a trip to the zoo~"

17) Which meal is the most important one?

"Your last."

18) How long would you last if you had to eat the same thing everyday?

"Hmm, depends. If it's something like potatoes I wouldn't mind eating them."

19.) If you were given three things to be happy, what would they be?

"My brother, medicine, and a ring!"

20.) Is there something you've always wanted to do when you were younger?

"Climb the roof with my brother."

21.) What are you most thankful for?

"My parents."

22.) Are you the type to take others in consideration?

"Of course!"

23.) Is there anything you treasure?

"My family."

24.) Favorite food?


25.) What animal do you relate to?

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