The Juniper Tree

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Once upon a time there was a Juniper Tree, this Juniper tree was an important tree to a boy named Haruka, this tree was a beauty to him however the tree was seen as something terrible in his mother's eyes, even shameful. 

One day, the mother finds a new daughter, and with every step this beautiful smart girl took an Oak tree was to grow. The daughter was courageous and smart, unlike Haruka, her stupid and Juniper Tree friend Haruka. The Juniper Tree had nothing to offer, it meant nothing to the mother of Haruka. The beauty of the Oak tree showed everyone how smart and intelligent the "new Haruka" was, a beautiful young girl indeed.

In anger, Haruka picked a bunch of fruitful apples, he placed them inside a chest. Eventually, the "new Haruka" found the chest and asked "old Haruka" if she could take an apple or two, Haruka replied "Of course!" As the "new Haruka" leaned into the chest to grab an apple, "old Haruka" stood behind her, and raised his hands to her neck. Strangling her, keeping her head under the chest where all she saw was darkness, because of the struggle, the chest's lid fell and decapitated the "new Haruka".

The Juniper tree stood out and watched the show. As seconds passed, the Juniper Tree wilted and already had died. 

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