• | Chapter Sixty-Six | •

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| Two Weeks Before Graduation. . .

It had been about another week since the incident at Ridge Blue High and it was covered across several news channels simultaneously throughout that time. Only a total of two casualties took place, including Javen and the receptionist he shot. Several people that were either students or staff were left injured with Michael being in the most critical condition.

For a short period of time, the school was closed until the beginning of this week. Riley was hesitant to show up, but considering that she literally couldn't miss any more days because of her poor attendance, she had no choice. It felt like déjà vu from when the rumors were circulating when she was under Javen's iron fist and she struggled to ignore some of the pestering stares that were thrown her way from a few immature underclassmen. It also didn't help that those same ones were crazy obsessed with Michael and blamed her for his current state. The passive-aggressive notes left inside her locker and crude remarks were endless.

"Another one?" Michelle sighed as she stood next to Riley at her locker, watching her rip the notes up into tiny little pieces without bothering to read it and throwing it in a nearby trash can. "They're assholes. You would think they would have some empathy after all this mess."

"They can go fuck themselves." Riley muttered underneath her breath, then pulled out her phone to check the time. It was slowly nearing the end of the day and it was her last class before she was able to leave early. She couldn't be more relieved.

The internet browser was instantly opened and she scrolled through one of the news articles, hoping it had been updated on Michael's condition as well as the other people. But nothing had changed since she last checked. She glanced up and met Michelle's sad gaze to ask, "Have you heard anything yet?"

Michelle shook her head. "No."

For the remainder of the semester, the school had found a temporary substitute to teach Michael's class and Riley was released from her student-assistant duty.

"He's still in critical condition. I really hope he pulls through soon." Michelle sighed.

Riley carried the same hope within her. At this point, she felt that Michael was her soulmate and if he didn't overcome his injuries, she wouldn't know how to function. She missed the small moments of passing him in the hallway and he would subtly flirt with her, instantly igniting a flurry of butterflies in her stomach or when he would simply just smile. It was the little things that gave her a glimpse of light.

"Stay positive, Ry." Michelle said, reaching over to gently rub her back.

She sighed and closed her locker, her eyes watering. "If Javen wasn't already dead, I would make that bastard pay for what he did." If her phone was made of cheap material, it would've instantly crumbled from the squeeze of her hand. A lone tear trickled down her cheek. "He didn't have to shoot him."

"Hey, don't think about that, okay? Let's just get through this day and maybe we can go for ice cream or something. Sounds good?" Michelle gave a small smile, but Riley shook her head again.

"I think I might go see Michael later." She said, leaving Michelle to furrow her eyebrows.

"Are you sure you're gonna be able to stomach that image?"

She habitually reached for the necklace and frowned. "Why not? I still can't get that scene out of my head where he was sprawled across the floor bleeding all over." She bit down on her trembling lip and exhaled slowly as she looked down at her hand. She could remember his fresh blood coating every inch of her exposed flesh. "Or the fact that he had died in my arms."

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