Chapter 1

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At the age of twenty one, Taehyung is still mateless. His Omega friends had all already found their mates and were living the dream life he always wanted. Sometimes, he believed in fate and thought that he's going to find his mate anytime soon. However, there are time when he's feeling like shit and asked himself if he'll ever find his mate one day.

Today is one of these days when Taehyung feels like giving up on his life. Everything's depressing him, he misses his dad (his dad was an ancient soldier who died years ago btw),  his mom works her ass off and he feels extremely shitty and useless.

When Taehyung got into a bad mood, he goes to his favorite club " Night fall" to get drunk or to get laid. He knows he's supposed to wait obediently for his mate to show up but he's human too. He has needs and right now, his mate is not here to please him. As an omega, he is most of the time clingy and needy for an Alpha's touch and scent. So nobody can judge him at this point. He has only started to sleep around when he was twenty. He's been starving for two years. Two fucking years. Since he was presented as an Omega three years ago, he had spent his heats whining like a bitch, desperately wanting to get touched by his mate. He was always patient but enough was enough.

Anyway, now that he arrives at his fav club, Taehyung immediately joined the bar to get some drinks and maybe spot the right bedmate for tonight.

" The usual Joy " Taehyung sweetly asks her favorite barista.

" Nice hair " the woman behind the bar commented when her eyes meet Taehyung's new red hair color.

" Gotta pull my best card to find a decent partner tonight" Taehyung responds with cockily.

" Right" Joy smiles then gives a cup of strawberry flavored soju to the handsome red headed man in front of him.

" Thanks" Taehyung rushed to say before grabbing his drink and swallowing the liquid in one go. " I really need a good dicking tonight, I won't have enough time to get here as often anymore" he points out sounding a bit sad and pissed at the same time.

" Oh, it's about the job at the castle?" Joy asks while preparing for another drink for Taehyung.

" Yep, my mom's kinda tired of working by herself to provide for us so I need to help her. You know how much I hate being told what to do, yet I'll get to work as a manservant. Great!" he dramatically whines and then takes the other drink Joy had prepared for him.

" I feel it sweetie, you and me are like the same person so I know how you feel. I got the same thought when I first started to work here. I just know that you'll survive, just like I did" Joy sighed before getting called by another client. " Gotta go, fighting Tae" she says before almost running to another man who sat at the other side of the bar.

After quietly observing his surrounding, Taehyung finally got up and join a handsome alpha who was sitting in a chair alone by himself. Guess he found the lucky one for tonight.


The next day, he felt completely like shit. He was hangover and felt like he got hit by a truck literally. To top it all, his spine was for sure broken as that's the first thing he felt when he sat up from this strange bed. Great! Now he'll have to limp his way to the castle with the tones of hickey the crazy bastard from last night left and the reeking scent of an Alpha all over him.


As expected the castle was huge. It's not like Taehyung's never saw it but he only saw it's outside from afar. As of the inside, it was ten time immense than what Taehyung imagined it to be. It was also luxurious at the same time that Taehyung almost threw up from the sparkles his eyes got to see. Too shiny.

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