Chapter 10

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The first thing Taehyung saw when he woke up the next morning was his mother siting at the other side of his small bed.

"Good morning" Taehyung happily says but immediately buries his head into his blanket when the bright light of sunrise hit his sleepy eyes.

"Why were you sleeping here?" Taehyung's mom stood up from his bed.

"What?" Taehyung takes off his blanket"I can't sleep here anymore?" He sounds offended.

"That's not what I mean" His mother chuckles but immediately makes her serious face back on again. "You are supposed to sleep at the Young Master's room not here. Did you guys fight?"

"How do you know?" Taehyung frowns at his mom.

"You've been inseparable for the past few days so it's quite surprising to see you sleep here all of the sudden"

"Well, things didn't go as smooth as I thought. Jungkook's an asshole"

"Don't bad mouth about your Master" Taehyung's mother scolds him but he only rolls his eyes at that. "Anyway, let's take breakfast. You're going to join the Prince anytime soon so let's get ready"

"Can't I just pretend to be sick or something? I'm not ready to face his stupid face again" Taehyung whines.

"No, you can't pretend to be sick when you're certainly not. Move your ass from this bed. I heard that Jungkook's fiancé is coming back this evening"

"What?" Taehyung immediately sat up in his bed, eyes growing wide and mouth open agape.

"The Queen informed me that Jungkook's fiancé will be coming today. "

"So what about me then? Am I supposed to still be Jungkook's whore? Or just his servant?"

"You're no whore sweetie. I think the Young Master genuinely likes you. Go talk to him about what you're supposed to do instead of being a lazy ass all day"


Taehyung walks into the kitchen with his head low. He didn't want to make eye contact with Jay. He's still upset about yesterday. He made himself a little breakfast before sitting at the corner of the kitchen.

"Taehyung-ah" a familiar voice interrupt Taehyung when he was about to eat his awaiting meal. It's Jay of course. "I sincerely apologise for how I acted yesterday"

There's a little sting in Taehyung's heart when he heard his friend's voice sounding so weak and so sad.
Jay is not a bad person after all, he has been Taehyung's first friend in here. He has always been a good friend to Taehyung. The only person that he can lean on, the other employees in the castle appear to distance themselves from Taehyung because the Omega was kind of privileged by the Young Master. Many employees are so hypocritical to him.

"Don't sweat it Jay" Taehyung lets his spoon down on the table and smiles warmly at his friend. "I should apologise too for not being a so available friend for you lately."

Jay shooks his head before sitting down next to the Omega.

"You don't have to apologise. It's not your fault. As you said it's your job"

"Nonetheless, I should have make time for you. I feel like I'm distancing myself from the people I love because Jungkook is like a control freak. Sometimes it's nice to be with him but there are times when I feel like I'm suffocating. "

Taehyung hates to admit it but deep down he knows that his relationship with Jungkook is like a cage to him. The Alpha won't let him go out that often, Taehyung even spend less time with his mother than he used. Maybe it's his work requirements but at one point it gets a little too much.

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