Chapter 37

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After their dancing time, the friends came back to their table to drink more soju but also to give a toast to Jungkook's departure. All of his hyungs have given words of encouragement to him, so Jungkook was more than glad for this dinner.

"Thank you so much guys for your sweet words" Jungkook stands up and bows his head towards his hyungs.

"No need to bow" Jimin scoffs at the youngest.

"Soyeon?" Namjoon addresses to the only woman around the table. "Don't you have something to say?"

Everyone fell quiet for a moment. They were all looking at Soyeon until she finally decided to speak some words.

"I hope you're as strong as you pretend to be and get out of this war alive" Soyeon simply says.

She then receives a kick in the legs by Jimin who is sitting in front of her.

"What the heck!" She yelps from the pain.

"Can't you say something nicer to him?" Jimin rolls his eyes at Soyeon's attitude.

"It's none of your business" She glares at the man, murderously. "Plus, I'm saying what the fuck I want to say. I'm just being honest unlike you all who are being hypocritical. You claim to love my brother yet you agree of him going to war. We all know his change of getting out of it alive is like 20%"

"Calm down babe-" Hoseok grabs Soyeon's hands but she slaps his hands away.

"Don't touch me!" She roars before leaving the table and storming out of the restaurant.

"I'll-" Hoseok was about to stand up to follow his mate but Jungkook stops him, in mid track.

"I'll talk to her" He mentions before following his sister outside.

Once the two siblings were gone, everyone looked at each other. awkwardly.


"Soyeon!" Jungkook calls for his sister as he tries to catch her.

"What?" Soyeon stops walking, to turn around.

"Why are you acting like this?" Jungkook breathlessly asks.

"Acting like what? A caring sister?"

There's a silence which follows Soyeon's questions before Jungkook finally catch the breath he needed.

"You're overacting. You're being mean to the hyungs!"

"It's because they're bunch of idiots. Do they really think that you're going to fucking win this war? How pathetic!"

"Now, you gotta stop this bitchy attitude of yours" Jungkook's face turns serious. "Just tell me what you want to say instead of throwing tantrums at everyone!"

"You want me to-" Soyeon pauses before continuing. "Alright, I'm mad at you. Mad because you're stupid who takes stupid decisions. You're going to fucking get killed, Jungkook!"

"I'm not a child!" Jungkook growls back at his sister. He's reached his limit with the woman. "I know what I'm doing. It's the best for our pack. I'm not begging you to accept my decision but please don't ruin our last dinner. Just. You can just pretend until the end of tonight. I want to have a beautiful memory of you all before I leave"

"Do you hear yourself?" Soyeon scoffs bitterly at the Alpha. "You sound like you're saying goodbye to us. As if it'll be our last dinner"

"It's not like that!" Jungkook quickly contradicts. "I just want to spend some good times with the person that I love before going to war. It'll be the energy that I need to fight against these rogues. Can't you understand that?"

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