Chapter 22

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'Dancing with a stranger'

After his shifts ended, Taehyung went back home immediately to get ready for his first ever official date. He has planned to have a date with Jungkook back then but things didn't go as planned.

But before all, Taehyung want to apologise to his mother first. He will not be able to spend a good time if he's still in bad terms with his mother.

Therefore, the first thing Taehyung did when he arrived home was coming to the kitchen wherein his mother was sitting in one of the chair.

"You're back" His mother said once she saw him entering the kitchen.

"Yes, I came home directly"

"Didn't have fancy dinner with your hyungs?" His mother couldn't help but ask.

"No, I have a date in one hour so I must get ready" Taehyung breathed out.

"Good for you then"

"Mom" Taehyung begins. "I'm really sorry for what I said yesterday. You have worked so hard to provide me a better life and the best one I could get. I should have been thankful instead of complaining all the time so I really apologise if what I said offended you. I have a decent life and I'm forever thankful to you for that. Don't mind my stupidity of yesterday, you know I'm a dumbass so sometimes I may say stupid things"

"I know you're stupid and dumb most of the time" His mother finally smiles at him. "But I know that you're deeply insecure about our wealth and status. What I can tell you is to be strong and to work hard to have a better life in the future. I know you'll achieve that Taehyung, you've always been hard working and persistent so you can do it. Work hard and prove these bitches that you're not useless nor just a lowlife servant, okay?"

"Did you just say the b* word?" Taehyung scoffed.

Internally, he's totally melted by his mother's words. She's always so heart warming and always finds the right word to cheer up his son. She's the best mother Taehyung could ever get.

"Is that the only thing you could retain from my long speech?"

"Of course not. I was just teasing you" Taehyung says before reducing the distance between them. "I love you Mom" He leans in to wrap his arms around his dear mother.


After Taehyung finished wearing his clothes and getting ready, he sent a message to Sobin mentioning the man to pick him up. He has already told his address to the man, yesterday.

"You look stunning" his mother sighed out.

Upon hearing these words, Taehyung's mind instantly drifts towards a certain Alpha. The scene of Jungkook complimenting him before their dinner with his parents immediately came back to the Omega's mind.

"Are you ready? I think your Prince charming is already outside" Taehyung's mother snapped him out of his thoughts.

"I spaced out for a moment" Taehyung nervously chuckles before pecking his mother's cheeks. "I'm gonna go"

"Have a good date, sweetie"

Once Taehyung exit his house, a black car was waiting for him outside. There is Sobin, standing in front of the car, he looks handsome as hell.

"Wow" Sobin's mouth feel agape when he laid his eyes on the most beautiful Omega he has never seen. Taehyung in red is just so mesmerizing. "You look..."

"What? Cat got your tongue?" Taehyung teases when he saw that Sobin was literally drooling over him.

"I was just at a loss of words" Sobin explains ." You are gorgeous tonight. Not like you are not everyday but tonight you're just so gorgeous that my mind freezed for a moment once I saw you"

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