Chapter 45

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Two days has passed sooner than Taehyung noticed. During these two days, he spoiled his mother and bought her some pretty clothes and more foods for them. He was a bit hesitant at first but then he told to himself 'screw it'.

"Why did you buy me this handbag darling?" Taehyung's mother asks him when Taehyung bought her another present for today.

"I found this handbag and I was like 'my mom will like it' " Taehyung smiles at his mother before sitting down in front of her.

"Well, thank you so much but it looks expensive" Mrs Kim points out.

"It's not expensive at all." Taehyung just says.

"Anyway, what's for dinner?" Taehyung's mother ask him.

"Some pasta and I also bought a bottle of wine all along" Taehyung excitedly stand up on his feet and walks towards the refrigerator to take out the wine he and Jin bought after work.

"You're really spoiling me" Taehyung's mother smiles warmly at him.

To be frank, she's very happy because these days, Taehyung became happier than ever. Well, after Jungkook's departure to be exact.

"You deserve to be spoiled" Taehyung giggles while taking the pasta out of the stove. "You're a queen. My queen"

"Then you're my little prince"

"I'm more of a princess but anyway" Taehyung mumbles as an image of Jungkook calling him princess came as a flash in his mind.

"What?" Taehyung's mother asks as she didn't catch what his son hummed under his breath.

"Nothing, we're just eating some delicious food tonight" Taehyung hurries to take the utensils and serve his mother some delicious pasta.

"Thank you sweetie" Mrs Kim smiles at his son.

"Anyway, today's also an occasion for us to celebrate the fact that we're finally moving out of this shelter" Taehyung announces while sitting down after serving for himself.

"Moving where?" Taehyung's mother knitted her brows in confusion.

"Namjoon hyung finally found an hotel room for us to stay in"


"Well, I asked Jungkook for help so he gave me his credit card, he also told Namjoon hyung to find us a new house"

"So all of this-" Mrs Kim points at the food and the handbag in her lap.

"Yep. It's his gift for his mother-in-law" Taehyung winks at his mother who only rolls her eyes.

"Don't spend all of these money for unimportant stuffs. Let's not take advantage of Jungkook's kindness"

"What the fuck! I'm not taking-" Taehyung's happy face turns into a pissed on after his mother's statement. "Let's not talk about that. I don't want to ruin the mood"

Well, Taehyung may look a bit greedy for money but who isn't? He's just happy that he can finally live a decent life and buy his mother some clothes and all. After all, Christmas is nearing so they deserve to be a bit spoiled, right?.


"What's your plan for tomorrow? It's Christmas in case you've forgotten" Jay asks Taehyung as they both are on holiday so work-free (yay).

"I didn't forget. How in hell can I forget that it's Christmas?" Taehyung rolls his eyes at Jay.

"Anyway, that wasn't my question. What are you up for tomorrow?"

"The hyungs invited me for a dinner tonight but I declined because I'd like to spend some time with my mom. As about tomorrow, we'll probably stay at home eating cookies while watching Christmas movies"

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