Chapter Thirty

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I awoke to a tap on my door. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, "Come in!" As the door opened a familiar, friendly face emerged. It was Evie. She came in and sat on my bed and next minute I was in her arms.

"How you holding up, honey" I nodded but she knew different. "It's ok I'm here now. We'll pull your Mum through this, if It's the last thing we do. Now get dressed. Drako is gagging for a hug." And she laughed.

I got up and grabbed some clothes out my case, I hadn't even bothered unpacking, so you can imagine they were a little crumpled, to say the least.

I washed thoroughly and got dressed and ran down stairs. Drako and Dad were out the back. Shit I hope Drako doesn't say anything. Dad doesn't know yet.

As soon as he saw me he came in and scooped me up into his arms. "Ahh, my princess, I've missed you." He spun me around, I felt dizzy.

"I've missed you all too." I looked over to see Mum sitting at the table.

I went and sat next to her and everyone else joined me. She looked up at me.

"Gracie what's this all about?" I looked at her. I knew she would see through this. Now I was nervous.

I felt a hand on my knee. It was Drako. he was trying to support me. I smiled at him I looked at my Dad not knowing if he knew anything yet, but I'm sure he does by now.

He smiled at me I could see the pain in his eyes. Yeah he knows. I knew Mum couldn't keep it from him they were soulmates, destined to be together the day they met. My heart melted a little as I thought of Leighton, I turned back to Mum.

"Ok so we all know why we're here and having this conversation. My mum don't have long to live, but I think she has so many more years to give I'm not prepared to give up on you Mum, so here is my idea." She smiled.

"Neither of you have asked me what it's like being a vampire, or how am I since my transition, because I don't think either of you have noticed any difference. I don't think we would notice any difference in you either.

If you became what I am, Mum, we would never have to worry about losing you, you would live forever and Dad would never lose you. I know you worry about Dad."

She cut me short. "Gracie I don't think I could. I don't need forever. I just need as long as I'm given".

I shook my head in disbelief. "No Mum you don't mean that, don't you wanna be around if one day I get married, or have a child. Don't you wanna see your grandchild grow? Don't you wanna be here for Dad?" She nodded at me.

"Of course I do, but not as a vampire. It suits some people, but not me." I sank back in my chair. Was that it then? Was I going to have to sit back and watch her die?

I took Drako's hand and squeezed it as if to say, "please help me." But he shook his head in refusal, and then I heard his voice in my head.

"I can't honey. It has to be her desicion, Evie said the same."

Then out the blue my Dad spoke, "Sign me up, Gracie. I want to make sure I'm always around for you. I thought your Mum did too, but obviously she's giving up." Mum looked at my Dad.

"Pete, that's unfair. You know I do."

He shook his head. "Well I don't see you fighting. I don't see you wanting to stay around."

She started crying. That was the first time I had ever seen her properly cry, it broke me in two.

"Mum please think about it. You won't be alone you have all of us to support you." Evie nodded in agreement.

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