Ch 13 Betrayal.

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"Can I get you anything else baby," Leighton shook his head, I had just poofed up his cushions to make him more comfortable. "No, I'm fine baby go find mum, she needs to see you before you leave, god I'm going to miss you so much Grace, can't I come?" Rolling my eyes at him, shaking my head in protest trying so hard not to look at his face, he's so cute when he pulls those puppy eyes, ughhh.
I had brought Leighton home an hour ago, I was so glad to finally leave that place never to go back again, It was so clinically white, it started making me feel ill, Leighton called it mate separation, it kinda made sense.
"Gracie, you sure your ok? You're all over the place!" I nodded to make him feel better, but really How could I be ok with a dark demon after my blood? Yes, Xavier said he would see to it, but how was I to know he was trustworthy, I didn't know him.
I walked out of the living room turning my back on Leighton's worried eyes, I spotted Ethan in the hallway, he smiled, as he looked up at me from the morning paper "Simone is waiting for you in the study sweetheart!" I nodded walking off in that direction.
I was feeling agitated I could feel in my bloodstream, I just couldn't understand why.
I knocked twice waiting for recognition to come in, I didn't have to wait long, "Come on in Gracie," I walked in to see Simone's head in paperwork, it was stacked all over the table, "You wanted to see me," her eyes were a look of strain, I think she knew what was coming next.
"Yeah I did, I think It's time you taught me everything about becoming an elder! I want to be able to protect my soul mate, furthermore everybody I love," she stared at me for what seemed forever, she smiled noddingly.
"Yes It's time I know that it's just Gracie, you are more to us than just an elder, you are the chosen one, you don't get to protect us, we protect you, without you we are incomplete, we have waited hundreds of years for this."
I didn't understand what she was saying, how could this be? I was just Gracie, just a girl, not some superwoman, I didn't want to save the world I just wanted to know how to protect who I loved, yet here I was being treated like something you wrap up carefully labelling it as fragile! No, I wasn't that girl.
"Simone with all due respect I need to know what I'm getting myself into ok," she nodded in response, "Yes I know you do, that's why I have arranged for you to go on a field trip tomorrow." I liked at her shocked, Woah wait tomorrow was no good, I was heading off to Rome with Joe I wasn't missing out on that, not for.
"I'm in Rome tomorrow!" She giggled, "I know you are, you lucky devil! I've arranged for Andreas to meet you at the hotel he will take you out, you will be able to find out more about your role! Wait and see you will understand more tomorrow."
I nodded, I could feel myself draining, I needed sleep, "Ok we shall see, night I'm off to bed," she got up crushing me into a hug, "Night princess," I smiled at her lovingly, "Night" I walked back into the front room Leighton wasn't there then I heard him in my head.
"Gracie I'm in bed baby, I need to hold you," I replied, "I'm coming now!" As I opened his bedroom door, he was beaming at me, he really did take my breath away.
"Sort things out with mum?" I nodded as I jumped on the bed, "Yeah I'm meeting some guy in Rome called Andreas! She thinks he will be able to help me," Leighton laughed accusingly. "Damn she's throwing you in at the deep end, Andreas is our mentor, amongst other things, he is the head of the peacekeepers, he's a trybred, vampire, wolf, warlock!" I was shocked.
"Damn this is not good," I felt the blood rushing to my face.
"Baby It's brilliant, you have some pretty amazing powers to go with that gorgeous face and hot body, he will be able to help you control them! He too can manipulate many elements so you're in safe hands, just don't ask him to change into his wolf."
He pulled me into his arms, his hands were stroking my body it was hard to concentrate.
"Why don't I want to see his wolf I enquired quizzingly.
Leighton chuckled, "He doesn't shift into a wolf baby, his human is the wolf he is a true breed a descendant was beast, deadly to vampires, you've watched American Werewolf in London?"
That happened to be my favourite film but now I was shiting myself, I tried to forget all about it to find some comfort,
I turned round to find his lips, nevertheless his found mine first, kissing Leighton's beautiful curved lips was priceless, his tongue was pushing against my lips begging for entry, I gave up straight away, his tongue was fresh and minty, my whole body tingled I was home.
We laid this way for ages with numerous kisses in between, his hands were caressing my curves, never in a million years did I ever expect to meet someone who would love my body more than I did, being a vampire it sure has changed my body, I'm still curvy but solid now, I was at last happy with my body finally.
Beep! Beep! Beep! I leant over to turn the alarm off, I must have dozed off whilst Leighton's was caressing me, mmmmh.
I turned round to see him staring at me, "Good morning beautiful!" I smiled at his god-like lookd,"Good morning baby!" He climbed out of bed, throwing on his clothes, damn he was sexy.
"Get showered, I'm going to make you breakfast before you leave," ahhhh Rome here I come, we were only away for three days but in those three days, we had a lot on, I looked up to the ceiling, gathering every bit of strength I had to jump in the shower but I just couldn't move, I had been getting quite weak lately I'm not sure what it was, I think it must have been all the feeds Leighton's been having, I didn't mind he needed it, he's certainly back to full health but It's done me in.
Eventually, I got out of bed I headed off to shower clothes in hand, turning on the water, I suddenly felt queasy.
I stepped into the shower the water beating down on me, instantly uplifted my spirits.
I lathered my body in coconut cream, mmmm the smell coming from the sponge was wonderful, I washed my hair and got out drying myself thoroughly.
I slipped into a white fitted skirt a red cashmere jumper and stepped into my red pumps, I was ready to go.
The kitchen was noisy, I could hear constant chit-chat, but what I noticed more was the aroma, it was pancakes for sure, boy he knew how to cook.
I couldn't wait to devour every single one, I walked in, eyes were all on me. Joe got up jumping into my arms, "Hey chief bridesmaid you looking forward to this," I nodded because it was true I was definitely looking forward to this trip, but nervous at the same time.
Leighton brought me over a plate piled high with pancakes, I looked at it laughing "You trying to tell me something babe," he nodded.
"Yeah, you need fattening up!" Everyone was in stitches, I happily sat eating all of them with just the right amount of maple syrup I was in heaven.
After breakfast Leighton took my plate, he pulled me up into his arms twirling me around.
"Right, go enjoy yourself," I looked over at Joe she was smiling, "We will babe, I'll only be gone a few days" Leighton nodded, "I know baby, I'm going to miss you," I wiped a tear away that had escaped as I was being held close, since I came back I haven't left his side he was feeling it already, but I needed this if not for me but us.
"Baby I will miss you too, see you soon," I grabbed Joe on the way out, not looking back, we got in the car and drove off heading for the airport.

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