Ch 7 Betrayal.

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They did what! Why what was said?" I shook my head as the scene replayed in my mind.
"They said they were sparing, they wanted to show me how strong they were, to make me see I was out of control I needed to join the elder's, how the hell is that going to keep me under control, why the hell did I drink that flipping blood."
Taylor chuckled, I think the look is enough to make him realise don't mess with me.
"Ok, ok, I'm sorry, hmm, I was told about your drinking the blood, I know aunt Simone was a little worried about whose blood you consumed, but I don't think they have told you the reason."
Damn I didn't want to know, but maybe it would answer why Leighton and my own flesh and blood was being complete dicks.

"Go on then, enlightened me, It's not like I haven't been through enough already," he touched my knee, ahhhh electric current fingers, I wish he didn't do that.

We pulled up outside a pub, I could do with a drink right now, I went and grabbed a seat, I could feel eyes on me, I just wanted to scream, Taylor took the seat next to me, he smiled almost testing the waters.

"So what's the others not telling me, not that It's any surprise!" He shook his head, "A few weeks ago one of the elder's was sent to prison for harming a human by accident, because her powers went out of control," I sunk down in my seat, this sounded exactly like what was happening to me, "Taylor I'm in trouble," he pulled me into his lap.

"No babe your not, you need training, you need to learn to control it, tell me what's been happening with you."

Visions were forming I started feeling so ashamed, "Today I pinned your dad and Pierre on the ceiling because they upset Joe, tonight I almost killed Leighton with a lightning bolt, because seeing the two men I love fighting hurt me."

He went pale! I mean a sickly looking pale, he held my hands up to his lips "Gracie let aunt Simone help you, she had reason to be worried, the blood you consumed was in fact the elder who is now awaiting a death sentence, by the council."

Whenever I think things are going right, something always pulls me back to the reality, the reality that my life is shit.

Taylor's phone rang, he answered I could hear everything that was being said, it was Leighton. "Where are you? Is Gracie ok?" I shook my head, "No she ain't ok, as you can imagine, why did you do something stupid like that?" He laughed "What's it got to do with you?" Taylor banged his fist down on the bar, "I'ts got everything to do with me when you are not looking after her properly, get your mum to come round to our's tomorrow we need to sort this out, before it gets her in big trouble."

"Well, bring her back now, mum's here," Taylor laughed, "Nah she's staying with me tonight, we will do this tomorrow," he put the phone back in his jacket.

"You want to stay with me tonight?" I nodded my head, I really didn't want to see them, I want some time to breathe.

We got in the car and drove to a hotel after checking in I went and had a long soak in the bath, I used all the miniature bottles of hotel toiletries they smelt rank but they did the job.

As I walked back into the room, I noticed food on the bed and bottles of beer, Taylor must have ordered room service, I was pleased I was starving.

"Eat up babe you need your strength plus maybe put on a few pounds," he chuckled.

After eating, I jumped on the bed and lay there thinking about today, what if I hurt my dad, what if he got in the way and that bolt hit him, how would I explain that to mum, my emotions were running high again, the light bulbs were crackling.

Why would they hurt me like that, Pop! Pop! Pop! Three light bulbs popped, it made me lose my train of thought I was glad, I looked to see aworried Taylor.

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