Lady Eliza Katherine Howard, Lady Samhain's granddaughter

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Lady Eliza Katherine Howard, Lady Samhain Wilhelmina Charlene Beck nee Howard's and Lord David William Beck II granddaughter

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Lady Eliza Katherine Howard, Lady Samhain Wilhelmina Charlene Beck nee Howard's and Lord David William Beck II granddaughter

Lady Samhain Wilhelmina Charlene Howard is the second child and second daughter of Lord Andrew Charles Howard and Lady Karissa.

Lady Samhain Wilhelmina Charlene Howard was born in the Pagan New Year of 2277, but the Georgian New Year of 2276.

Lady Karissa named her second daughter after Samhain, on the Pagan Sabbat that she was born on, and after her paternal great-great-grandfather, Lord Frederick William and after her paternal great-grandfather, Charles and given the surname of her father, Lord Andrew Charles Howard.

Lady Samhain upon her birth she was created Duchess of Clarence Territory in the name of her great-great-great-grandfather, Lord Patrick William Howard.

Lady Samhain was born 16 months after her eldest sister, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane but she inherited her father's dark brunette hair, blue eyes and golden skin.

Lady Samhain would become Lady Karissa's favorite daughter as she was sweet-natured, easy to get along with and never gave her father and mother any trouble while growing up.

Lady Karissa called Lady Samhain "Her Little Peacemaker" as she didn't like discord in her family.

But make no mistake about it, she was Lady Karissa's second cub and she also had claws and fangs, but she didn't show them like Lady Elizabeth did.

Lady Samhain was aware who her father and mother were, but she was not vain, self-centered, and proud, in fact she was just the opposite of Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane.

Lady Samhain had a heart of gold, and she loved her family and like the rest of her siblings she knew her duty towards it.

Lady Samhain was very close to Lord Anthony and Lady Caroline Matilda Carey, who were her brother and sister.

Lady Samhain grew up to be a very beautiful young lady and on her cotillion in 2292, when Lord Andrew Charles escorted her into the ballroom to introduce her to polite society on the balcony was watching Lady Karissa and Lord Anothony.

When Lord Andrew Charles walked Lady Samhain on his arm people bowed and curtsy and addressed them both as "Your Grace."

Lord Andrew Charles acknowledges it, and he walks his daughter around in the ballroom and many young men approach him with their fathers.

It is Lord Anthony that tells his mother "Valhalla, mother. None of those young men are worthy of my sister."

"I don't see one that I would consider worthy of the honor of marrying Lady Samhain." Lord Anthony states.

"Lord Anthony. I see a few but many young men that might be worthy of her love." Lady Karissa states.

"What, none of them even have a title, or property. They are looking for a dowry mother.' Lord Anthony explains.

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