Part Two of The Tour of Clarence Territory

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Part Two of The Tour of Clarence Territory

Lady Karissa and Lady Samhain with the Howard entourage head for Sussex Territory the next day and as they ride through Essex Territory with Lord David Beck who is the Earl of Essex Territory.

People gather on the streets as they want to see their Earl and Countess with their two children, and Lady Karissa asks the carriage to stop as she wants to meet the people of Essex.

Lord Richard William has the carriage to stop, and he gives her his hand with Lady Samhain and Lord David by her side, and with Lord David William II by his side.

They go greet the people and Lady Karissa with Lady Samhain and Lord David William Beck with Lord David William II walk to meet and greet the people of Essex Territory.

Some people walk to where Lord David is with Lady Karissa and their children, and they curtsy and bow, and they present Lady Karissa with some flowers and one little girl gives a baby-doll to Lady Samhain and a little boy presents Lord David William with some toys soldiers and Lady Karissa asks Lord Richard William to give the family a present of thanks and Lord Andrew Charles has sent a purse of 1000 credits and he gives the family 100 credits.

Lord David thanks his people for their warm welcome and one tells him about his grandmother, Lady Penelope Rich nee Devereux, Countess of Essex Territory.

"Lord Beck, your grandmother was the kindest woman we ever knew. She was the daughter of Lord Richard Devereux, Earl of Essex." A man tells him 'We never got to meet your dear mother. She was taken from us."

The man says, "I remember you when you were just four years old and your mother of a blessed memory loved you very much Sir."

"We loved your grandfather, Lord Edwin Howard, he was a kind man as his brothers. " The man tells him.

Lord David is taken with emotion, and he tells him" This is your future Earl. My son, Lord David William Beck II and this is my second cousin, Lady Samhain, Duchess of Clarence Territory with her mother, Lady Karissa."

"It's an honor Lady Karissa to meet you. We have heard a lot about you." One-woman states, "We are grateful for the changes you have made to ensure that our daughters are never replaced by a son later on."

"I plan further changes." Lady Karissa states, "When my eldest daughter becomes Duchess of Norfolk Territory. She will even do it. Further."

The women start parading around the streets of Essex and Lady Katherine joins Lady Karissa and they look at each other.

Finally, Lady Karissa with Lord David walks back to the Howard carriage with Lady Samhain and Lord David William Beck II and Lord Richard Willam gives Lady Karissa his hand and he helps them to climb back into the Howard carriage and it heads for Sussex Territory.

Meanwhile back at Beltane Manor, Lady Elizabeth refuses to let her father into the nursery to see her little brother, Lord Anthony and Lady Caroline Matilda and Lady Elizabeth screams at her father ' Stay out of this nursery, father or I am going to call my grandfather."

"Barbara! Barbara! Bring me paper and pen. " Lady Elizabeth asks her. " Write to my grandfather and ask him to come to Beltane Manor."

Barbara looks at Lord Andrew Charles. " Sir. If Lady Karissa finds out that you have made Lady Elizabeth upset and your father comes. Goddess only knows what is going to happen."

Lady Elizabeth reaches for her little brother's sword, and she tells him "I will cut you into collops if you come near my brother and sister."

There is a standoff between Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Elizabeth until Lord Charles Andrew JR comes to Beltane and he is not too happy and he walks through the door of the nursery and he tells Lady Elizabeth ' "I am here Lady Elizabeth. Put down that sword. "

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