The Confrontation

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Lord Andrew Charles sits in his office, and he hears a knock on his door, and he calls out "Come in the door is open." and Lady Karissa walks into his office.

"I want to know what happened between Lady Elizabeth and you when I wasn't here." Lady Karissa asks.

"I decided to visit the children and Lady Elizabeth started to scream and tell me to stay away from my children." Lord Andrew Charles tells Lady Karissa.

"You know that Lady Elizabeth and you will always butt horns. Take a good look at her and you will see yourself when you are her age. You weren't raised to become Duke like she is being raised to become Duchess of Norfolk Territory." Lady Karissa tells him.

"Do you know why Lady Elizabeth acts this way. It is because you never carry your damn ass to the nursery to see the children." Lady Karissa explains.

Don't give me the lame excuse that you have to govern this territory." Lady Karissa states.

"You are one step from being removed from the Dukedom of Norfolk Territory and Lord Richard William Carey is upset at you. You have upset his daughter and the other children." Lady Karissa tells him.

"Lord Anthony is too young to understand what is to understand and so is Lady Caroline Matilda." Lady Karissa explains.

"Lord Andrew Charles. Lady Elizabeth will in time come to respect you, but you can't make her love you. Either she will or she won't. "Lady Karissa explains.

"You need to invest some quality time with Lord Anthony and teach him what he needs to know as I am not a man." Lady Karissa explains.

"Teach him how to conduct himself, how to be a gentleman and treat the ladies." Lady Karissa explains.

"Teach him if you know the mechanics of love-making and pleasing his wife when he marries." Lady Karissa states.

"Teach him to love certain sports, teach him to love music, dancing, singing, and literature. I expect you to go with him to Lancaster Territory." Lady Karissa explains "It will be a father and son outing."

"I am sure Lord Charles Andrew III can handle Norfolk Territory when you are touring Lancaster Territory with our son." Lady Karissa states.

"I will take the other children with me to Pembroke Territory, and I have to accompany Lady Caroline Matilda and Lord Richard William on their tour to Bedford Territory." Lady Karissa states.

"Lord Charles Andrew III can take care of Beltane Manor for me." Lady Karissa tells him.

I will send Zina with you to take care of Lord Anthony." Lady Karissa tells him.

"I have to cut our trip to Clarence short because of what you did to Lady Elizabeth." Lady Karissa states.

"I will have to give Lady Elizabeth one of the smaller suites and move her out of the nursery if you want to see Lady Samhain and Lord Anthony. I will keep Lady Caroline Matilda with me in my suite." Lady Karissa tells him.

"The less you see of Lady Elizabeth but when she is with me will make it easier on both of us." Lady Karissa states.

Barbara brings Lady Elizabeth into Lord Andrew Charles' study and Lady Karissa tells Lady Elizabeth "Please Lady Elizabeth. Try to get along with your father."

"Mama. I want a new father please." Lady Elizabeth tells Lady Karissa.

"Lady Elizabeth. I wish it was simple, but it is not, and you are stuck with the one you have." Lady Karissa states.

"Children are stuck with their parents, but spouses are not stuck with their spouses." Lady Karissa tells her.

"I am afraid I can't trade your father in for a newer model." Lady Karissa states.

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