Part One: The Return of Dr. Leonard David McCoy

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It has been four years that the USS Enterprise last had shore-leave.  Well, Capt. James T Kirk received permission from Star-Fleet Command that they could once again take shore-leave on Star Base 12.

 James T Kirk received permission from Star-Fleet Command that they could once again take shore-leave on Star Base 12

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Captain James T Kirk has the decision who will take shore-leave first and he decides that Mr. Scott, Dr. McCoy, and Lt Uhura will take the first two weeks of shore-leave on Star Base 12.

"Scotty, Bones, and Lt Uhura. Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Karissa will be making sure you have a place to stay on Star Base 12. Bones, I know how you feel about Lady Karissa. I understand that she has a second son, Lord Albert Edward and Lord Andrew Charles has a daughter, Lady Anastasia Christina Howard."  Jim Kirk tells his officers.

"I heard that Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley is a good friend of Lady Karissa." Jim Kirk states.

All three are transported by shuttlecraft and waiting at the beam down point is Lord Andrew Charles Howard with Lady Karissa and their four children along with Lord Andrew Charles's daughter, Lady Anastasia Christina to greet them.

"Welcome back to Star Base 12." Lord Andrew Charles tells Dr. McCoy, Mr. Scott and Lt. Uhura.

"Gentlemen.   Lord Charles Andrew Howard III and Lord Patrick William will house you at Norfolk Estate and Dr. McCoy and L.t Uhura will be our guests at Beltane Manor.  Mr. Scott. Lord Charles Andrew III has arranged a tour for you of Lennox Territory." Lord Andrew Charles tells him.

"Our maternal first cousin, Lord Alexander Charles Howard will give accommodate you in Lennox Territory." Lord Andrew Charles tells Mr. Scott.

"Dr. McCoy and Lt Uhura. You will be our guests at Beltane Manor. Lady Karissa promised you a tour of Pembroke Territory. " Lord Andrew Charles tells Dr. McCoy.

"We will give you a day to rest up before you two starts on your tour for Pembroke Territory. Lady Karissa will be taking Lady Caroline Matilda, Lord Albert Edward with her." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"My first cousin, Lord Richard Edward Howard II will accommodate you in Wessex Territory and Lord David will accommodate you in Essex Territory." Lord Andrew Charles tells them.

"Mr. Scott. You share a lot in common with Lord Alexander Charles Stuart, as he too is a direct descendant of King Charles II and his son, James Scott, Duke of Monmouth who was King Charles II eldest son and his descendants are the Anne Scott, 1st Duchess of Buccleuch who married James Scott, Duke of Monmouth." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"My maternal first cousin is from Lord Charles Lennox, Duke of Lennox and Duke of Richmond." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"How are your daughters, Lord Howard?" Bones asks Lord Andrew Charles.

"Which one may I ask? I have three daughters." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"Lady Elizabeth and Lady Samhain." Bones answers.

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