Chapter 1 - Destiny

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Right, I know I have a million other things to work on. I'll get to those, alright? Just let me throw these ideas out. Been thinking about this one for a while now.

Let's just get into it.


Remnant is a planet that many people on said planet will agree is an absolute hell hole. And I would too, it is a hell hole with nothing but assholes. This isn't some edgy look on the world, it's just the facts. People might agree with the idea that it's a hell hole, but it's our hell hole.

It's like they say. Stare at something long enough and you begin to love it.

Now you're probably wondering how it's such a shit place to live. I'll tell you.

The most common thing people will point to is the Grimm. Horrible, terrifying creatures that are attracted to strong negative emotions. No one knows where they come from, but no one really asks anymore since they're too busy trying not to die.

One other thing people will point to is the recently made violent White Fang. An organisation that once fought peacefully for equality between Humans and Faunus. The last leader stepped down and when the new leader showed up things got violent causing many of its members to leave it.

And lastly, something that despises humanity and wishes to enslave all humans. Mutants. Mutants are a species of animals or sometimes bugs that have mutated to be more anthropomorphic and humanlike. They despise humanity and sometimes even Faunus for how their ancestors were treated and almost made extinct which was pretty much caused by the Grimm, but they don't see it that way.

There are Mutants that don't hate humanity. Mutants that, even when it costs them their lives, fight to defend Humans and Faunus from their own kind.

Something that has caused a lot of mixed feelings with humans and a lot of morality questioning is how because of this, women are treated slightly differently depending on the kingdom. Here's what I mean.

If a girl is born and grows to be exceptionally beautiful, they are kept safe from harm, they're seen as delicate, fragile and easily ruined. They aren't allowed to fight, only do what they're told to. Be beautiful and shoot out a kid. Not a lot of people agree with this, but I guess Mistral has its own rules. Any girl who, by their standards, are average in their looks is pretty much treated normally.

(Don't ask me, I only play the game. Isn't a huge amount of lore in at. Not that I know.)

They call these girls 'gals'. Original I know.

Anyway, aside from politics and shit that's all I can really think of to explain.

Well, enough of the lore, this isn't the main focus of this story. No, our story begins with a guy that is currently on a bullhead on its way to Beacon to begin his real training to be a huntsman, every child's dream apparently.

This guy's name is Marcus. If you pay attention you might also notice that, unlike most people on this ship, he doesn't have a weapon on him aside from the gun on his hip he barely uses. That's because he fights with his bare hands, before wanting to be a huntsman he had this idea of being a pro boxer like his Dad once was. That was before a mutant tiger interupted a match and paralysed him from the waist down. That made him want to be a huntsman so that if he can't complete his dream, some other kid can.
And for that, he'll somehow have to stop the Mutant Revolution for good.

Anyway, enough backstory. He was sitting back playing a game as he waited for the ship to land.

"Broke your jaw you fuckin prick." He said to himself as he played.

A Fight With RageDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora