Chapter 26 - Another Fox, But...

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And here we are back with another chapter of this... Thing.

Right so I'm going to get straight into it.


It's been a week now. Marcus and Gal have been properly rested, they got time with their daughter and now they're back in the fight.

So what's their first mission?

Well, talking to a girl that asked to see them.

See, while they were on break, Ironwood met with some girl that seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

She was heading to Atlas and being understandably sceptical, Ironwood met her at the door and asked what she was here for.
Her answer was this.

"I wish to speak with my mo- No, I mean. I'm here to speak with Gal and, uh, Marcus?"

She sounded sort of unsure when she said his name. Like she wasn't even sure if that's what his name was.

Either way, they brought her in and now here she sits in front of the two a week later.

One thing Marcus noted was the pair of somewhat familiar fox ears on the girls head.
She even just had this air of familiarity.

Both him and Gal felt like they knew this girl, but how?

"So... Let's start from the beginning... What's you're name?" Marcus asked.

"Can't say." She replied somewhat uneasy.

"Well Ms. Can't Say. I'm Marcus Harper, but you already know that."

"That's not funny." She said bluntly.

"What isn't?"

Gal then cut in.

"Ignore him, he likes to joke sometimes. Now. You said you needed to see us? What's this about?" Gal asked.

The girl took a deep breath.

"Ok. This will likely be odd, but please hear me out." She stood up putting her hands on the table. "Before you leave Atlas, your team needs to stop The Boss."

"... What? The Boss? As in the mutant Boss?" Gal asked standing up.

"Yes, I don't know when, I don't know where, but The Boss will make it to Atlas. When he does your team, Team RAGE, needs to end him. If you don't, if you let him go... It just gets worse."

"Hold on girl. Slow down." Marcus said going around to her side.

She took a breather not actually realising she was getting worked up.
She needs to work on that more.

"Right. Sorry... See... I'm....." She trailed off thinking of a sort of half lie. Then it clicked. "I have a semblance. One that lets me see the future. Only one issue, is it's random. I can't actively look into the future to see events that are going to happen, they occur randomly in my sleep as dreams."

Gal and Marcus were surprised to hear such a semblance existed.
The girl continued.

"The details aren't clear, but apparently in the future, if you let The Boss live, it'll lead to much worse events happening. The mutants will kill everyone. They'll team up with Sa- some witch that controls Grimm to get rid of all life on the planet aside from themselves."

"Are you serious!?" Gal was shocked to hear this. That one single choice from them could end the world apparently.

"No one can stand up to them? What about us? We aren't the type of people to give up!" Marcus shouted.

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