Chapter 11 - Wrong Answer

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Here we are again with whatever you call this.

Just gonna get started.


"Break his legs!" Nora yelled as she cheered with her team and friends.

The Vytle tournament had finally begun. A number of fights have already been fought and decided. Right now team RAGE were up to fight.

Their opponents were a guy with claw things on each hand. A girl with a sword that had fire running through it, another guy that had no weapons and a girl that used only guns.

The last girl came out of nowhere thinking she could catch Norris off guard. She began shooting at him.

Norris punched the guy he was fighting away and turned to face her. He brought an arm up to deflect the first bullet with his weighted wrist guard and it looked like he was punching the bullets at insane speeds with hit 100 punch flurry.

When the bullets stopped her stood with his hands to his side. He opened his fists to reveal the bullets he caught. That made her gasp in shock before he was running at her, immediately behind her before she could do anything and kicking her out of the ring.

She got up.

"How the hell did he do that?!" She shouted in absolute amazement. "That was cool!"

Over with Ricardo he was dealing with the sword girl.

"All that muscle is pointless if you're too slow to put it to use!" She said swinging at him.

Ricardo grabbed the blade mid swing and punched her away. She landed and was up immediately.

"And being fast is pointless if you can't ever hurt your opponent. I guess we both have something to work on." He said throwing her sword to her.

She got up and ran at him, grabbing her sword and going for an overhead swing. Collosal mistake as she saw him crouch low and come back up in an uppercut, he hit her and when he landed he went back up in a higher and more powerful uppercut. She landed on the her back, her Aura gone completely.

She tried to sit up and when she eventually did she looked up at him.

"Damn you hit hard. Good fight though." She said laughing a bit.

"It was." He looked up to the board as his Aura showed to be in the yellow, almost orange. "You almost had me. You should be proud of how powerful you are."

"Huh, weird meeting a nice Mutant. Definitely not unwelcome though." She said smiling at him.

Over to Gal she was dealing with the claw guy after Norris kicked him away. She was dodging all of his swings as he was too slow for her.

"Stand still already!" He shouted.

"You think I'll just stand there and take it? Not very LIKELY!" She yelled as she spun twice and kicked him in the face depleting the rest of his aura and knocking him out the ring.

She stepped over to him just at the edge.

"Solid effort though. Can definitely see you trained for this. You gave it your all and that's all we can really do." She said and turned around to walk off.

"Yeah.... Thanks." He said sitting up.

Finally over to Marcus he was dealing with the guy that had no weapons.

Marcus blocked a few attacks and as soon as he saw an opening he retaliated with a right hook, a headbutt and finally a kick that threw the guy against a rock from the opponent's side of the field. He rushed in and punched him three times in the stomach and finished it with a punch to the face knocking him down, his aura gone entirely.

A Fight With RageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora