Chapter 17 - Ricardo Returns

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And we are back once again. Sorry if it took a while to get back to this story, just was stumped for ideas that's all, this has become my favourite story and I want to be able to do good by the game.

Right. Let's get started.


The gang were downstairs talking about what they were discussing last night. They were already talking about how to deal with getting the relic. It's just find the maiden and get her to open the door to the relic.

It's not going to be that simple since the maiden can be anyone. Apparently the way it works is when a maiden dies the power goes to the last person they think about. And obviously it has to be a girl.

Right now though, they were discussing how to deal with the mutant revolution.

(Remember, Oscar is just normal Pine boy, Ozcar is Ozpin.)

Ozcar looked to the two members of team RAGE.

"In any case, I believe you two are all that are capable of stopping this revolution for good. I understand it may be hard for you Miss Diane, but in the end the Revolution is a threat to the world. We need to stop it." He said looking to the three.

Diane shook her head.

"I have no issues. The revolution has caused more than enough chaos." She looked to Marcus and Gal. "I'll happily help you guys out."

"Thanks..... So, we just walk on up to this island and mess up the Boss? Sure, when do we go?" Marcus asked. He was eager to fight this Boss.

Diane was the first to shoot him down.

"Don't bother. You'd only get yourself killed." She stated.

Gal and Marcus were confused. One second she has no issue helping with the fight, the next she's against it?

"Why? I'm sure we could take him." Gal said confidently.

"Yeah, you guys are REALLY strong." Nora chimed in.

Diane stood up.

"Yes and The Boss is far stronger than anyone here. How do you think he came to run the whole thing? You think we just voted for some random mutant to lead? If we did, the leader would have been one of those rats." She ranted on. "The Boss is on a whole different level. If the three of us went after him.... He'd kill us all with no hesitation and you two would be lucky if he just kills you!"

She calmed down realised she was getting worked up.

"Look.... If we struggled fighting those mercenaries. We have no hope of beating The Boss. We're just not strong enough. Maybe together with more strong fighters we have a chance, but now? Not a hope in hell."

They understood what she was saying. She just didn't want them running into their own deaths. So charging in headfirst is off the list of possibilities.

"More strong fighters...... Hmm...."

Gal looked to Marcus.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Maybe.... Alright, Diane is right. We need to not only get stronger, but we need more than just three pairs of hands to lift this rock." He looked to Gal. "We need the team back together again."

She agreed, but she wasn't sure how that would happen.

"How though? Ricardo is in Menagerie, we don't know when he'll be back and God knows where Norris is."

"Ricardo will find us. I know he will. And Norris...... We just need to trust him. I know it was a shi- I mean a mean thing for him to just up and leave like that, but he's a smart guy. He has his reasons and we just need to trust that we can find him again. We will see him again. Both of them. Trust me. Team RAGE will be back together again. Just give it time." Marcus sat down after that. Ignoring the glare he was receiving from his girlfriend after nearly swearing in front of Rosie.

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