Chapter 32 - Nothing Goes As Planned

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And we are back again. Let's hope this isn't shit.

Let's get this going.


Marcus somehow managed to land the bullhead for the second time without damaging it. Everyone got out as they watched Emerald swap places with Penny, still keeping the illusion up.

"You did the right thing here Penny." Ironwood said putting his gun down.

'Didn't know he had something like that.' Was basically what everyone thought.

"I have." Emerald then let the illusion go. "Feels weird."

Without warning she did a backflip kicking Ironwood in the jaw.

Jaune, and Ren followed with their assaults. Ironwood wasn't able to keep up with all of them coming at him one after another. He still held his ground well though, even when Team RWBY got into the fight.

He was completely caught off guard thought when Winter turned on him. As soon as she did, that's when the fight was basically over.

"... Kinda mad I didn't get to do anything." Marcus said looking annoyed.

"You flew the ship. That's better than what we can do." Gal reassured him.

Team RAGE, Rosie included, regrouped with the rest of them.

"Surprised you helped us Winter." Norris said, not actually surprised. He learned quickly that her morals were definitely in the right place.

"I had a feeling you kids would try something like this. Now, my guess is you want to go and get the Staff?" She asked.

"That would be helpful, yes." Weiss said.

"This way."

She lead them to it while team JNR, Oscar and Emerald went to do their thing.

"Glad to be out of what was left of that uinform?" Yang asked Marcus.

"Yep. Gave my favourite shirt away though. Shame. Ah well, not much I can do now. Besides." He looked down at his outfit. Cargo pants, boots for the snow, a plain shirt and a hoodie. Almost the same as what he wore before, but it was more drip worthy. "Nothing wrong with this."

They continued on until Winter lead them to where the Staff was.

"You go and get that's Staff. Ironwood will no doubt come after us very soon. I'll be behind you." She said hugging her sister.

They went to the Maiden door thing and stopped.

"You alright for this Penny?" Ricardo asked her. She was mostly under control, but her eyes were still glitching and flashing red a few times.

"I'm... Fine. Thank you."

She stepped forward and placed her hand on the door.
The door seemed to freeze over slowly and after a minute it opened.

"You guys go and do what you need to do. We'll keep Penny company." Ricardo said and team RWBY went to get the Staff and do their thing.

While they went, Gal was curious about somewhere never asked about before.

"Hey Marcus. Remember that time we were in Argus?"

Marcus looked up to her as he was sitting on the ground with both Penny and Rosie. He was trying to keep her happy. Penny was very scared right now.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Well. You said you met the Lamp person right?" She asked.

"Oh yeah. It was Jinn if I'm remembering. She was neat, why?"

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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