Chapter 16 - The Wizard is Back?

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K, quick bit of something to say here. I'm still going to focus on the main group heading to Haven. I have plans for Norris already, but I wasn't really interested in that whole Menagerie thing. I don't want to give a shitty speedran summary of the whole thing, rather just focus on one part. Also I think the jumping between perspectives will get confusing.

Anyway enough of my shit. Let's start.


Rosie woke up unsure where she was. She then remembered that they were in a place called..... What was it called again?

Anyway, she woke up and the first thing she saw was her Papa asleep. She remembers now, she snuck into him and Mama's room and slept between them.

She sat up and looked to her Papa. She wanted to talk to him and it was the..... the..... morning. Yeah, the morning. So he needs to wake up.

She pokes his face. No response. She does it again. Same result. She keeps poking his face until eventually he stirs.

"Hmm? What's going on? Rosie?" He asked sitting up. He was shattered. "When did you get here?"

"Rosie.... sneaked in last night." She answered.

"You mean snuck. You snuck in. And that's fine, if you want to stay with us any night you just have to ask." He said ruffling her hair.

She nodded.


'God this kid is adorable.' He thought.

Rosie then turned around. Gal was facing away from them. Rosie couldn't poke her face, so she poked her back.

"Mama. Wake up." Rosie called in a very quiet and cute voice.

Gal didn't respond except she did turn onto her back. Rosie decided to keep poking. She went to poked Gal's side. She suddenly jolted away and turned to face them with a bit of a smile.

Rosie then saw the two mountains on Gal's chest and poked one. Gal giggled in her sleep.

"Mm... Marc... Stop.... teasing me." She said. She stirred awake and opened her eyes to see-

"Rosie?!" She said in surprise as she got up and looked at her. "How did you-"

"She snuck in last night apparently.... Also were you really thinking that I poked your boob while you were asleep?" He asked, laughing a bit.

"Well who else would poke it?" She asked him not really bothered by it.

"Fair argument actually. It is definitely something I have considered, but I'm not doing it if it makes you uncomfortable." He said.

"What Mama and Papa talk about?" Rosie asked them.

"Nothing too important sweetie. Come on. Let's get you dressed. We'll meet you downstairs Marc." Gal said as she picked Rosie up and went to a different room.

Marcus sat down after getting a change of clothes.

"I went from a guy with just a girlfriend to a father in the span of about two days. It's alarming how fast I've adapted to the dad role."

He stood up and went to go downstairs to meet with the rest of the gang.

Yesterday when they got to Haven they just got Qrow to a hospital and then after he was treated they just got a place to stay. Thanks to the money they won when Marcus beat Attary, they had the whole thing covered. The odds of him winning were literally set to "too much money you for you to carry to 1" and now Gal has enough money to sue Weiss' father and win the case. Not really, but they have a lot of money.

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