Chapter 4 - A Mission and Gal's Confusing Feelings

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Right I am back immediately. Hope to fuck this is somewhat readable still. Anyway let's get going.


Gal stirred awake, her eyes slowly opening and her vision begining to focus. When did she go to bed last night? She must have gotten a lot of sleep because she kind of feels energised.

Anyway. She tried to sit up but found that something was holding her? She was confused until she looked over to see-

"Marcus?!" She said in surprise. Not loud enough to wake up the others.

Right next to her, with his arms around her, was Marcus. They were both on her bed. What the hell happened?

Oh right. She remembers. He fell asleep when they were hugging and she decided that since she was too tired to care she would let him stay in her bed for the night.

Now here she is with his arms around her and waking up from what is apparently one of the best nights of sleep she's had in a long time. She was..... very comfortable.

"Huh. He is definitely very comfortable. Could get use to this........ Wait no only couples should do that sort of thing!" She quickly corrected herself. "Right? I mean I assume that's the case."

Soon he too started waking up. When he did he looked around. His eyes landed on Gal. He then looked down to where his arms are.

"Uh. Hi." He said awkwardly.

"Hi." She replied the same way.

"Sorry. Probably made it hard to sleep for you." He moved his arms away, or at least tried to. Gal stopped him.

"It's fine. Actually I've never slept better." She looked away sheepishly. "It was kind of nice."

He was glad to hear he didn't bother her.

"Oh. Good. Well, I'm going to get ready. We're going to Ozpin's office today right?" He said getting up and going to grab his stuff.

"Yeah. Seriously though, I meant what I said. I've never had a better night's sleep than that. You're very comfortable, despite all the......" She trailed off as she watched him change his shirt. She was able to see how his hard work was definitely paying off. He wasn't absolutely jacked, but he was still well built. "..... Muscle....... Wow."

She said the last bit quieter.

"Welp. I'm going to leave you to get ready. Gonna head to the canteen." He said before leaving the room.

Gal was left there to think about what just happened. She hadn't even noticed how red her face was.

"I don't know why, but I kind of wanted to stay like that. What the hell is up with me? I don't get it."

She decided to just get up and ready for the day.
Gal stepped out of the room. She was once again the last one out of the room as the other two left just before her.

Checking her bow she walked towards the canteen, thinking about this morning.

'Why can't I get that out of my head? It was just Marcus sleeping in the same bed as me. Just me and him. He was so warm and comfy..... I wish we stayed like that a bit longer.......... What the hell am I thinking?! Ugh! Can't understand these feelings at all. I'll just forget about it, we have to go see Ozpin soon so I need to focus.' She said brushing off her thoughts and finally reaching the canteen.

She entered and saw the familiar sight of her friends. She walked over behind Marcus and covered his eyes with her hands to fuck with him.

"Surprise. Guess who it is."

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